The Pit

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I was walking on the footpath,
When the cavity swallows my feet,
Deep to the ground full of rats,
A mob awaits for me to greet.

The leader seems to be very incensed,
That I troubled their banquet and made a hole.
It was not me to intend to ruin your sense,
It was the soil that devoured my ignorant soles.

They put me on fire,
Lit it up and burned my body,
The rats sing like a choir,
Exhilarating the flame to scorch my sanity.

They're just like my friends,
Set up a pit and act like a god.
Act like they don't do anything to end,
To end my life like a blazing rod.

Reinvention: A Comprehensive Metamorphosis Of A Young Adult (Anthology II)Where stories live. Discover now