005: WYD Now?

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("And after everything that's happened

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("And after everything that's happened. I wanna put it in the past tense" -Sadie Jean)

Charity was walking around the school alone looking at her phone before she over heard Veronica tell her friends something "PG. Post-Grundy. What, too soon?" Veronica said then Charity looked at her "Post-Grundy! That means no more Aria and Ezra vibes now?" Charity asked her then Veronica nodded "So what happened was, Bettys mum went in Bettys room, saw a gun! Then went through her diary before she saw that Grundy and Archie were hooking up then-" Veronica was telling Charity what she missed out on while she was looking after her sick mum.

"Veronica" Betty said shaking her head at Archie "Ill text you what happened" Veronica winked at Charity before she walked away seeing Reggie walking closer to her. "Charity!" he said then she ignored him. He ran up beside her, so she couldnt pretend like she couldnt hear him anymore "Charity. Im sorry, here is are some tulips. I know their your favourite" he said giving her a bouquet of tulips that she struggled to hold. "Does this show you how sorry I am?" he asked her and she looked at him frowning her brows.

"No, but thanks for the flowers" she smiled at him patting his shoulder and walking away he shook his head grinning watching her try to walk with a heavy tulip boupuet in one hand.


As Charity goes to her locker getting her things for the next period class, she sees a big bouquet of flowers covering her books. Everyone looks at her as she tried to pick it up so that she could get her books. She looked to her side only to see Reggie winking at her then she smiled at him throwing the flowers on the floor.

After the bell went offf she went to her next class which was math that she had with Betty. Her and Betty walked to their spot they usually sit but see a rose petals in their desk. Betty gives a note to Charity that said 'Pleese forgive me. -Reggie' she then brushed off the desk with her long sleeve letting the petals fall to the ground "How did he miss-spell 'please'?" Betty said taking the card out of Charity hand before trashing it.

It was the end of the day and she gets in her car. She couldnt believe the day she had until she saw a parking ticket on her front window. She got the ticket while she sighed and read to see how much it was.

When she got out her car and read the parking ticket she saw that it wasnt a real one but said 'Look in the trunk'. Charity at first thought it was more flowers but when she opened it, she saw Reggie laying in her trunk with a flower in his mouth and no shirt on. Charity wanted to say something but she was speechless so she closed the trunk and heard Reggies muffled screams "Wait Charity!" He yelled as she started the car and drive to Pops.

"You want to talk. Lets talk" she said opening his truck and talking to him as people stared at her. "Oh, this is my ex" she said then more people stared "Im not going to kill him" she said as even more people stared at her "Fuck my life" she said closing the trunk again hearing Reggie yell again as she drive to his house.

"Reggie." she said as she opened her trunk and he crawled out. "How did you even get your licences?" Reggie asked with a hand on his chest feeling his heart beat rising and Charity rolled her eyes turning around "Wait. Hear me out" he said as she crossed her arms letting him speak "At first when I saw that your name was on the book I thought that it would be a easy twenty points but then I got to know you more. If I could take that back I would but unforunately I cant. But if you give me a second chance I will be better" Reggie said to her as she crossed her arms looking to her side.

"Okay" Charity said as Reggie looked at her with hope but confusion in his eyes "Okay? What does 'Okay' mean?" he asked her "We take it slow. We're not together but in that talking stage again" she told him as he nodded in excitment "Ahh" he said hugging her lifting her up as she laughed "I promise Ill be better than before" Reggie said as Charity nodded with a faint smile.


Charity and her dad got a ride from Mr Andrews since they were visiting. Archie told Charity that he needed her to go with him to give Mrs Blossom Jasons number. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Blossom. I thought you might want to have this." Archie said giving her the jacket as Mrs Blossom stared in shock. "You're so much like him." Mrs Blossom said stroking his hair as Charity and her dad look at eachother confused since they were standing right behind them and being able to see everything.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you, Archibald." She said then greeted Charity and her dad with a hug "No Sydney today?" she asked Charitys father "No. Shes been really sick lately" Nathan answered as Charity waved at her friends "Well I'll be praying for her. I dont want you losing a family member like us" she told them as Charity looked down "I basically did. Jason was like my brother. May his soul rest in peace" Charity said as Mrs Blossom stuttered "Right. Charity we have a seat for you in the front, next to Cheryl" she told her as she nodded making her way there.

Charity waited for Cheryl then heard footsteps toward her and she turned her head. When she turned around she saw Cheryl in the same dress she wore the last time she saw Jason.

"Welcome to Thornhill. Thank you all for coming. If you'll kindly take your seats. I'd like to start the memorial with a few words about Jason. The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress. I know it's impossible. But I swear, when I put it on, it... It feels like he's in the room with me. Even though we were twins, I used to demand I have my own birthday party. Until one year, out of the blue, Jason convinced me we had to combine them into one. It wasn't until years later, I found out why. It was because no one wanted to come to mine. And Jason didn't want me to know. He protected me. Every single day. I wish, that day at the river, I had protected him. I'm so sorry, Jay-Jay. We failed you. All of us." Cheryl said as she sat down next to Charity and she hugged her while she sobbed on her shoulder.

"Jason would be so proud if you" Charity said using her two hands to part Cheryls hair out of her face as she sobbed even harder.

"I think we'll adjourn now to the Winter Salon for a light supper." Mrs Blossom said as they all got out their seats to go home.

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