009: Hard 2 Face Reality

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("Sometimes its hard to face reality" -Poo Bear)

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("Sometimes its hard to face reality" -Poo Bear)

It was a couple days later and Charity walked down the hall holding her things and walked into Moose "Im sorry" she said as Moose looked at her up and down.

"Dont touch me again you Southside scum" he scolded Charity as she looked at Reggie and Archie waiting for them to respond then she sighed.

"Moose dont you have other things to be doing? Like sucking Kellers dick instead of trying to be a bitch to me?" she responded and saw Reggie chuckle and Archie luagh as Moose and Reggie walked away.

As Charity walked away she heard Archie yell after her "Charity wait!" he said running after her and she rolled her eyes not turning around but he went right in her face stopping her from walking away again.

"Charity. I- Im sorry" he applogised and she scoffed hearing his fake applogy.

"Get the fuck away from me" she said pushing his hands off her and walked away again but he ran infront of her again.

"Charity I am truely sorry. I wasnt thinking, I was just mad becuase the Serpents jumped Moose and Im sure hes pretty upset too." he applogised again but this time she looked at him confused.

"The Serpents didnt jump Moose. All the Serpents were celebrating that my Dad came back" she told him as he looked at the brunnette with a confused face too.

"Moose said they had leather jackets" Archie responded to the girl.

"No. FP called all the Serpents to say that his brother in law was back" she told him as he shook his head.

"Your related to Jughead? What else do I not know about you?" he said then she nodded.

"Thats beside the point. The point is that all the Serpents were in the White Wyrm" she defended the Serpents and he looked down. She was about to say something but the bell rang and he sped walked to class.


"Just in time, we're celebrating." Veronica said as Charity sat down.

"Archie was just telling us how he's going to some super-exclusive music program this summer." Kevin said as he took her hand and sat her down like she was royalty.

"Maybe. If it happens, though, it would be huge for me." Archie said to Jughead and Betty "Do you have to audition for it?" Jug asked the red head "Well, not exactly. Mrs. Blossom came by earlier and said she'd put a good word in for me." Archie said while Charity nodded.

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