Heart of Someone Special

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Chapter 10: Heart of Someone Special

After spending quite a bit of time at the magical winter waterfall, enjoying the breathtaking and charming scene, Dylan, Reed, and Anna are walking through the park.

They walked past a basketball court. "Hey Reed, do you play basketball?" Dylan asked.

"Yes, I love basketball, it's one of my favorite sports. It was the last game I covered... before..." Reed spoke but stopped as his mind went to his son.

"You feel like losing today?!" Dylan said cheekily.

Reed brought himself back to the present moment, trying not to let his thoughts and feelings take over. "Such big talk coming from someone shorter than me." He said.

"I am a bit cocky, but I play all the time at the group home, and my team always wins!" Dylan said.

"I see, huh, well, let's go play." Reed said, knowing how much he enjoyed playing sports.

"Cool! I see a ball over there on the court!" Dylan said like he is excited to just be a kid. As Dylan ran over to the court, Reed and Anna started to walk over to the court. Reed realized that Anna had been watching him. She seemed to have a thoughtful, concerned look on her face, possibly noticing how he felt.

He wanted to distract her, so he leaned close to her with a playful smile as he said, "Do you want to play with us, too?"

A smile spread across her face, "I think I'll sit this one out. Why don't I grab us all some hot chocolate and Christmas cookies?" Anna said.

"I will never say no to hot chocolate and Christmas cookies." Reed said.

Anna laughed.

"Hey Reed, catch!!" Dylan's voice broke the space, and in an instant, Reed caught the basketball Dylan threw at him. As soon as his hands touched the ball, he froze, and the sound of the ball hitting the floor echoed in his head.

Almost like a vortex, Reed was taken back to six years ago. It was around sunset, getting dark at his house.

The basketball bounced several times on the driveway.

"Dad, watch me!" Chase said excitedly.

As Chase shot the ball into the basket, Reed's phone rang, and he answered.

"Yay! Dad, did you see? I made it from all the way over here!" Chase exclaimed proudly.

"Good job, bud!" Reed said distractedly. He pats his son's shoulder before he walks into the house and ties his tie. He was so wrapped up in his phone call, he forgot that his son was outside playing.

All he heard was the chattering on the other end of the phone and the light bouncing of the ball.

Anna was trying to get Reed's attention, but it's like he was in another world. Anna stepped closer to him and placed her hand gently on his shoulder. Like a lightning bolt or electric shock, he finally snapped out of the daze he was in and looked at Anna with a glossy look in his eyes.

Concern takes over Anna.

"The last time I played basketball was with Chase before the accident. I haven't played or even touched a basketball in 6 years. Today brought back all those memories from that night and was back in that moment." Reed's voice was cracking.

Anna watched his eyes, seeing all that sadness make its way to the surface, realizing just how deeply he was hurting. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Maybe later, but now is not the time. I have to do this for Dylan." Reed said, taking a deep but shaky breath.

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