꒰ꕤ꒱log page꒰ꕤ꒱

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Hello. This is the new log page for this book :]

Call me Lulu, and here I give all the information (which I remember) for better enjoyment of this book, as I want the reader to be aware of what they may expect from this work.
I am very picky with what I read you see- although I read a lot of stories, that is only because they are the only ones I find under the firewind tags :']; not only that, but I have stories and headcanons myself that I wish to share.
So this book serves to infodump my headcanons and elaborate on backstories or aus, maybe just simply writing something small as well.

However- I am not constantly writing, since I have other hobbies and real life stuff to do. For this reason, right below, there is a section only for chapters I am working on currently. Do take note that I will only put up ideas that I am sure I will be able to finish or have a consistent concept for. It may take a while to have more updates, but do check this page from time to time.

-----Works in progress

》Type: headcanon x canon
》Pair(s): Cataclysm, Mercy
》Summary: "Until death do us apart". A mortal enemy can be for life, but for eternity it is nothing but unsolved issues. The Immortal Cataclysm and Forest Mercy learn that when they became each other's only company.
》Status: Finished!!🎉🎉🎉

This is very important.
You see- I have specific pairs for the costumes (which may apply to alternative universes with them), and I will write chapters with the following exclusive duos - the only exception will be if the au requires the appearance of another costume.

》Zephyr of Life x Blue Flame Hierophant

》Forest Mercy (FAN COSTUME) x Immortal Cataclysm

》Night Raven x Lord of Flame

》Guardian of Millennial Tree ("SPEARMINT")x Lord of Ash

》Wind Archer x Fire Spirit

Below this, I will display my headcanon designs for the firewinds (as of 01/08/24, only the Wind Archers are finished)

(It seems Wattpad has issues with gay people and absolutely does not let me keep the images as much as I edit this page to replace them. For now, i will leave one of the images at the top and the other here.)


◆My native language is NOT English (damn moment the fandom from my language is non-existent..lmao), and I am not fluent either. There will be grammatical errors and I apologize for them, but do keep in mind that these stories are also a way of practicing it.

◇ Again, I spend more time outside of Wattpad and am usually enjoying my day. Please respect it if updates are slow.

◇ Some stories will be shorter or longer than others; it will depend on what idea I had and how much I could write about that specifically.

◇ If I say I will make a part 2 of any chapter then it is guaranteed that it will only exist in my head until I run out of ideas and it pops up.

◇ This is not a requests book.

◇ If you have any doubts or questions about the AUs or the stories, feel free to ask. I will answer them when I am able to :]

◇ I serve Wind Archer favoritism and maybe some Fire Spirit appreciation.

◆ Finally but not less important, there is a list of things I do not write and/or write rarely:
》Smut/Lemon (I just.. Can't)
》Toxic firewind (heavy exception for ZephBlue and CatMercy, they start off as deadly rivals)
》Fight scenes (are they important? yes, but I prefer not so frequently)
》[Bringing back my pairings list] Making sure this one is remembered.

(Last updated: February 17, 2024).

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