The Rescue

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The Rescue

Zero had arrived at the hangar where at that time after the attack and the storm the place seemed abandoned. He was still bleeding and between whinnies and requests for help, he found Colin. Followed by a horse with a rider approached.

-Knight! - Raniel yelled as he approached on horseback.

(Wait boy you're not thinking clearly)

- I need the available armed airplane you have - Zero demanded without even concentrating well on his words.

- Only Colonel Viruet's is ready. Although it has no parachute or ornithopter - Both items were necessary in case of an emergency. The parachute was a kind of bulge that opened by pulling a rope and released a cloth of a round shape that allowed the person to float in the air until descending. While the ornithopter is a tiny plane that flies beating its wings the size of a person. - What happened to you?

- I was shot - Zero did not think in detail about the consequences of the actions he would take, he only thought about Solangel's well-being. - I'll take it

- What is going on? - Colin questioned.

- See that thing? – He pointed at the strange aircraft and hold Colin's arms - It has Solangel and I will not lose her. Find all the air carriers you can, I will need support

- I cannot allow you to take it.

- Just tell him I hit you. - Raniel at that moment entered the place without having a clear idea of what was happening.

- Do you really think the Colonel will believe me? - Zero turned and hit him so hard that he caused the mechanic to relocate for a moment.

- Ok, take it - Colin said holding a bump about coming out of his forehead.

(An airplane, of course!)

Zero ran in a hurry where the airplane was mounted in the cockpit while Raniel settled in the gunner.

- What is the problem with the airplane? - Raniel asks him while they adjusted their belts.

- It belongs to the Colonel. - Zero answered while turning on the steam engines of the machinery. The propellers were spinning making the kind of common noise they make when starting the engine and at the same time they started to sound louder. - Send all you can Colin!

Without measuring any more words Zero closed the hatch, verified that everything was in good functional condition and accelerated the airplane taking speed to thereby take momentum to ascend to the heavens. Once raised Zero accelerated to maximum speed to reach the huge globe which had begun to fade. But in a matter of minutes, the size of the globe was enlarged by its proximity.

Already at a distance of 300 meters from the huge globe came projectiles towards the airplane.

- Hold on! - Zero yelled at his partner as he maneuvered his best to dodge each projectile. - How can we be shot from so far away?

- They definitely have a piece of more modern machinery than ours.

Little by little they approached the airship. Suddenly projectiles came out from the gondola of the ship approaching the airplane. Zero maneuvered from side to side avoiding being hit. Raniel just waited in the back cabin holding the gun but in fact, it was already starting to get dizzy.

- When can I shoot this thing? - Raniel shouted at the noise of the engine.

- I will try to place the airplane near the machine gun of that thing. Do not shoot the balloon, we do not know if it is full of hydrogen.

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