chpt 3 - meetup

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About a week passed, and Keith was doing a little bit better. He'd not moved on yet, but yeah, didn't feel like offing himself as much now.

Pidge was probably the main reason for that, having constantly trying to get him to feel better. He saw them nearly ever day so they became quite persistent.

Keith would only fight crime or go on patrol occasionally, spending the rest of his free time, only a few hours a week, annoying Shiro.

Lance on the other hand was not recovering. At all. Hunk pitied him for this. Lance never left his house, not as deadpool, not to assassinate someone, not even to go to the supermarket.

Hunk was cooking, cleaning and caring for him, but soon decided it was too much. He still stayed at his house, but didn't clean up after Lance or cook him food.

As Deadpool hadn't been seen in a while, Spiderman just assumed the son of a bitch had finally managed killed himself, maybe blowing himself up with cans of petrol or something.

So, he decided to do something about it. He had his phone number for some reason, so he texted him, asking whether or not he could meet at their spot. Keith kind of missed Deadpool, he had a somewhat crush developing on the dickhead.

Their spot was an old important business building that had the top three floors marked off (for saftey reasons). The roof was perfectly fine, the floors were just falling apart.

Hunk knew Lance was Deapool, he was one of the only people who did (Allura didn't even know, Lance had been planning to tell her the night she died) so when Lance got a text from 'Spidey', Hunk tried convincing him to go.

"Lance, you can't just mope around here forever." He said, shaking his head.

"Oh yeah? Watch me." Lance said, not even moving to look at Hunk.

"Please Lance, you haven't even showered for nine days."

Lance hesitated. He rolled onto his back, looking at Hunk.

"Really? Has it been nine days?" He asked.

"Yes-" Lance cut Hunk off.

"I thought it was three months."

"That doesn't make it better. Just go, hang with Spiderman for an hour or three, then come back and tell me if you feel better." He suggested.

"I'll try."

"Good. Because I already told him you'd be there in half an hour." Lance's eyes opened wider at this, and he sat up abruptly.

Lance showered, after Hunk begged for eight minutes, then ate food and changed into his suit (with a bit of struggle). He slipped his swords on his back and jumped out the apartment window, much to Hunk's protesting, and hailed a taxi. He was in Dopinder's taxi, again.

He scaled the building and saw Spiderman sitting at the edge with his arms resting around his knees. "Hi." Deadpool said, still lacking quite a bit of emotion.

"Haven't seen you in a while, huh?" Spiderman said glumly.

"Well sorry, but I've been through some pretty big shit at the moment." Deadpool apologised insincerely.

"Really? Well me too, you know. But I didn't fucking disappear, I still go on patrol every day after work. I still help the police." Lance could tell by Spiderman's voice he'd been crying recently.

"Like what? You weren't accepted into the avengers or whatever?" Deadpool put his arms up. "My fucking girlfriend died man. She got murdered. By a dick I killed straight after."

"And? My dad died. And I had to watch it. He died in my arms. And I had to pretend I barely knew him 30 seconds later to keep my identity." He put his head on his knees.

Lance opened his mouth so he could make his life seem worse.

"I couldn't even catch the fucker who killed him." Spiderman added quietly.

That shut Deadpool up.

"Oh, sorry I guess."

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend. What was her name?" Spiderman asked, lifting his head off his knees and trying to change the subject off his dead dad.

Changing it to his friend's dead girlfriend wasn't much better though.

"Allura." Deadpool whispered.

"That's pretty. I bet she was too." Keith didn't really care about her. That sounded harsh, but it was the truth.


The two sat quietly, legs dangling off the edge of the building, left to just their thoughts.

Neither of them had good thoughts. Mostly about who they'd lost.

Deadpool wondered that if he suddenly jumped of the building and into the oncoming traffic, whether or not that'd be enough to kill him.

Spiderman was thinking of ways to kill Prince. Or torture him. Torture him to death.

But one thought crept through the other dark ones, faintly presenting itself. What was it? It was an impulsive thought that wouldn't work even if he did act on it.

What if he just kissed Deadpool?

No. No, that crossed the line. Firstly, his girlfriend had been murdered.

Secondly, Deadpool was straight, and Spiderman was supposed to be.

Thirdly, it'd probably just seem as a sign of pity, or worse, desperation.

Both had their masks on anyway. And they had to keep their identities secret.

Stupid. It was stupid. Just another stupid thought.


So I haven't updated in like 6 days and I really want to update more often, but I've been at my Aunt and Uncle's house for Christmas, I got back today, and I forgot half my stuff (I managed to forget togs and a towel when they literally live near a beach and have a pool). my wifi's been real bad lately too.

Anyway this chapter is kinda shit, I didn't really know what to do after I made them depressed, I had like most of a story written in my book but like completely went off track after the first chapter.

another thing, wattpad was doing something strange so ig, sorry if ur reading and a random picture of idk what, a random sentence that doesn't make sense or a equation(???) appears

word count: 869


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