chpt 16 - mullet

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Deadpool's eyes, cheeks and nose were all an obvious red, but it didn't look to be caused by any physical injuries. His eyes still watered, but at least half of that was caused by the smoke, considering the fact he was still blinking quite often. 

He had a large graze on his left side of his face, stretching from under his eye to about his upper lip. Looked like it'd bruise underneath the cut once it scabbed in a couple days. A small cut lined his forehead from one side to the next.

Obviously, Spiderman should've been concerned for his friend's injuries and whatnot, but his mind cleared and he could only stare at his face. His beautiful, beautiful face. His eyes, lips, cheeks, freckles, ears, eyelashes, moles, nose, eyebrows, chin, forehead, everything.

And his hair, holy quiznak, his hair. He'd been able to see that prior to Deadpool moving his arms away from his face, but that was only a tuft. His hair wasn't particularly massive, but it hung around his ears. Spiderman could see his hair poking down, it looked like it was long-ish and needed a trim. It was about two or three shades darker than

There were pale scars speckling his face. Some trailed down his neck. All these scars made Deadpool look like he had vitiligo, but Spiderman could tell he didn't by the fact the lighter patches were uneven.

 Deadpool was doing something similar. He was also staring at the other hero. His face, his hair, his neck, his ears, his eyes, his lips. His hair and eyes were the main thing that made him stare.

His dark hair was a lot longer than Deadpool expected it to be, he had no idea how he could fit it under his mask. This guy had a mullet. A mullet! Deadpool never expected he'd like a guy with a mullet that much.

His eyes weren't a basic blue or brown. They weren't green either. The were purple. Purple! Who has purple eyes! They weren't a bright purple, they were kinda grey, but oh so beautiful. There were specks of deep royal blue on the top part of his irises.

Spiderman was also very pale. You probably couldn't call him pasty though. His skin was white in a perfect sort of way, clear and smooth. And it made his eyes and hair stand out vibrantly. He was just stunning to look at.

"Woah." Deadpool and Spiderman whispered subconsciously, looking at every small detail in the other's face. Both blushed when they heard the other say the same thing.

"Y'know, I didn't really picture you to look like this." Spiderman whispered. It wasn't harshly whispered, it was soft. His voice was just quiet, and it didn't seem like the kind of time to speak out properly.

"Firstly, rude. Secondly, what did you think I'd look like." Deadpool said softly. He was continuing the light whispering. "Don't say white."

Spiderman chuckled softly. "Well I did, I thought you'd be blonde. Because you're so cocky all the time."

"Blonde? Me?" Deadpool laughed quietly. "I didn't think you'd look like this either."

"Really? What'd you picture me like?"

"It's stupid, actually." Deadpool looked down, smiling. "I always pictured you as this tall hot guy, real tanned, and like bright ass blue eyes. Even though you're really short. And I've seen your hair stick out the bottom of your mask before." He made eye contact with Spiderman again.

"You don't think I'm hot?"

"Nah, not at all, obviously."

Deadpool moved so he was sitting up, leaning forward on his right arm slightly. "What's your name? Your real name?"

"Keith." He said it too quickly. He was blushing heaps.

"Nice name. I'm Lance. You can call me Sharpshooter."

"I'm not gonna do that."

They sat in a half awkward, half comfortable silence, neither knowing how to phrase what they wanted to say.

"Hey, uh, did you mean what you said?" Keith asked, frowning. "About me, with, uh, Pidge."

Lance looked up and exhaled out of his nose loudly. "Well, uh, I, I did. Why? Have you got something to admit to me too?" He smirked at Keith.

Keith blushed. "Well, uh, I don't know how-"

"Kiss me."

"What?" Keith's eyes widened considerately.

"You heard me, kiss me."



so so sorry about the wait, i completely forgot about this again. I wrote some, then forgot, most of it deleted, and then i had massive writers block. fingers crossed, i hope i get the next chapter out soon, i hate my updating too

also, i feel like ive gotta say this, but instead of having lance completely scarred all over, hes just like got like random scars all over his body (ive been basing this off the mcu deadpool)

word count: 692


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