chpt 17 - fire

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[ew ew ew i dont like this but whatever]

Their lips smashed together. It was like a scene from a cliche movie. Fire was literally all around them, but just in the background. It was a little dangerous sure, but it didn't matter to them in the moment.

One of Keith's hands was cupping Lance's cheek, the other knotting itself in his hair. Lance had his right on Keith's shoulder, his left around the back of Keith's neck, in his hair.

Their lips moved together, in sync, like that was the only thing they were made to do. The kiss was passionate, fiery, full of lust and longing. Nothing else in the world mattered, it didn't exist as long as they were lip-locked.

They broke away, breathless, and Lance rested his forehead against Keith's. "That was," He couldn't describe it.

"Yeah." Neither could Keith.

Lance ducked his head and captured Keith's lips again, kissing hard. Keith licked Lance's lips asking for entrance, which he was granted. He slipped his tongue into Lance's mouth, and they fought for dominance, pressing their bodies together more.

Lance pushed Keith down, and sat so he straddled his hips, looking down at all Keith's beauty. Neither could hold back and they crashed together again. Kissing each other just felt so right. They could do it forever.

"Yoohoo! Carpool! Flyman!" Or not.

Lance bolted upright and Keith turned into a plank. Two heads turned sharplyto look at where the voice had come from. It had come from Prince.

"Fuuuuck me. Forgot about him." Lance said.

"Shit." The guy under him hissed.

Prince could have done all kinds of evil shit while they were choking, then making out. He had already burnt half the park. In less than three seconds, both of them were up and ready to attack the guy who'd killed Keith's dad.

"Let's make this quick. I'm honestly kinda tired." Lance groaned.

"How? I'm the one who should be tired. I am currently functioning on a fuck-ton of coffee, and a combined 4 hours of sleep from the past seven days. You, were dead to the world until I woke you up." Keith narrowed his eyes jealously at Lance.

Both focused back onto Prince, who had disappeared into the rising smoke. As to not get ambushed, Keith and Lance stood back to back. Lance had both his swords drawn, and his pistol in the right side of his belt had the safety off. 

Keith held another of Lance's loaded pistols (safety off) and made sure his web shooters were A-Okay to go. The gun was backup in case he ran out of web, or the shooter jammed.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, ya little fucker!" Lance called out to Prince.

"Nah, don't feel like it." Prince called out.

Wrong move replying. Keith could hear the exact location Prince was at.

"He's to your front-left, about where you're boot is facing. He's facing right, so fire a metre off the ground, two centimetres right." Keith whispered to Lance.

Lance didn't reply, just shot his gun in the direction Keith had instructed. It definitely hit him, skimmed a bit of metal before a screech of pain sounded.

"Where'd I get him?" Lance whispered to Keith. 

"Right side of his torso, just under his ribs. Probably got his stomach." Keith whispered calmly back.

"He'll be in shock for the moment, let's catch him before he can move."

The two crept up to where Lance had fired, and sure enough, they'd hit someone where Keith had described. Not Prince though, a double probably. The guy had long white hair like Prince, and was wearing the same colours as Prince. He'd curled up into a ball.


"Best place for us is probably in one of those massive trees; let's go." Keith grabbed Lance's gloved hand and yanked him over to one of the taller trees North-East where they were.

Lance scaled the tree decently quickly,  while Keith swung up to where he thought was a good view point. It was pretty concealed too. Lance soon huffed and heaved himself onto the branch Keith was sat too.

Keith crouched further out from the trunk, peering out for Prince. Lance hauled his leg over the branch, almost kicking Keith. He sat sort of hugging the tree.

"I don't think you can really see much from there." Keith pointed out to Lance.

"I can too!" Lance protested. "I can see all this bark and bugs and stuff! Just because I can't swing up into the perfect place because I don't have magic powers, doesn't-"

"I do not have magic powers. And shut up, he's gonna hear your screaming and I'll physically boot you out of this tree." Keith deadpanned.

Lance scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"Wanna go?" Keith pulled Lance by his swords.

Lance screeched. "Stop! You're gonna get my bones broken and they'll heal in crooked!"

"Shut up." Keith chuckled. "I'm just moving you closer so you can-"

"Kiss you?" Lance smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"No. So you can see better and not get us killed." Keith said seriously.

"Oh. Sad. Also you mean, 'you', so I don't get you killed. I can't die." Lance grinned.

"Whatever. Close enough."

They sat in silence while looking for Prince. It was painful for Lance, and he felt the need to talk. To break the silence, not to just be annoying.

"Can you see him yet?" He whispered harshly, leaning over to his right, so his head was closer to Keith.

Keith stayed quiet, not wanting to break cover. He'd seen some movement to the far-front-right, and wanted to focus up on that.

"Keeeiiiith! Can you see him? Or not?" Lance wasn't going to quit whining until he got an answer.

"Shush! I think I might."


"Fuck. He's moving for us." Keith said.

"That does not make one bit of sense, but what're we gonna do? Fight him, eh? We're superheroes, right? Only cowards run and hide." Lance said.

"Okay, okay. Great speech there, bud. Now, plan?" Keith rolled his eyes.

"I have no fucking idea. You're usually the one with the plans!"

"So you just always rely on me to have a plan?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Lance shrugged. "So, do you have a plan?

"Well, yeah, I do, but..." Keith blushed with embarrassment.

"Let's hear it."


im so so sorry about the wait, im getting so bad at updating. its the holidays now, so ill get another out soon(ish)

thank you all so much for 435 reads!!

word count: 1012


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