chpt 9 -stones

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Keith walked into the supermarket and put his bag and jacket on his assigned hook, trudging out front. Pidge  was waiting for him, elbows on the counter, leaning over. They were working today, put was putting things up in another aisle.

"So." They said, hands under chin, wiggling eyebrows.

"So? What happened? Are you trying to persuade me to give you money? Because you should know I am more broke than you and st-"

"Shut up. It's not that. I don't want your gay cooties anyway." Pidge made their way around the counter so they were on the same side as Keith.


"What I'm talking about is yesterday." They wiggled their eyebrows suggestively again.

"What? When I bought chips off you? I know right. Such a great role model, buying chips from the shop I work at because I totally don't get a massive discount." He guessed.

"No!" Pidge spoke loud enough to scare off a poor woman wanting to buy flowers. "I ship you guys." They grinned.

"What? Me and the chips?"

"No, you dense bozo! You and D.P." Pidge whispered the last part harshly.

"What? No. What are you on?" Keith laughed, shaking his head. No way. Won't happen, can't happen.

"Nothing. You can't deny the chemistry, Keith."

"Okay, nope. Look, even if there were, it couldn't work out anyway. For starters, I don't even know what he looks like past his chin." Keith said running a left hand through his hair.

"You-. You don't know what he looks like?" Pidge frowned.

"No. You do though, don't you?" Keith said looking to them, hiding his hurt.

"Yeah, but why... would?" Pidge frowned, looking at the ground.

"Look I've known him for three, four years. You've known him for less than a day. I know he's self concious, I mean he's told me. And we've known each other so long he probably thinks it'll be weird if we know each other outside of, y'know, regular work."

"Regular work?! You double timing us?!" Jeremy yelled from where he was putting more milk up.

"Oh, you have no idea." But Keith said it blandly, didn't have the mood to joke around.

But boy, was Jeremy one dense motherfucker. He'd walked into plenty of conversations about Spiderman between Keith and Pidge, but clearly not noticed a thing.

"I guess I get it," Pidge said, completely ignoring Jeremy. "But say you did show your faces to each other, just you two?"

"Look Pidge, not gonna work. Next reason; I've got a bit of shit on my plate if you haven't noticed." Keith said.

Although they could tell he wasn't finished, Pidge interrupted him. "And you're working through it. Getting better, stronger."

"For what?" Keith spat. "Getting my heart blended and crushed again? 'Cause I, I don't want to do that. It'll wreck fucking everything. Right now, now's going a little good, which is better than things have been for the past, I don't know, four years?"

"Keith I don't mean it like that. But you never know, he could also be in love with you."

"I'm not in love with him! Pidge you might be real fucking smart, but you don't know about this!" He stormed out, grabbing his shit and running.


Running past town hall. Past Altea Hospital. Past his house. Past his and Deadpool's meeting point. Somewhere along the line, he ended up at one of the last and first places he wanted to be.

He stopped. Looking. Walked forward, meeting it.

"Fuck!" He stood back.

"FUCK!" Keith collapsed onto the neglected grass.

"fuck." Head in his hands. "I fuck everything up. Everything I fucking touch turns to shit." He whispered.

"I know you're gone. Been gone for years. But you still fucked up my life." He wasn't speaking to anyone near, not the rows of stones either.


word count: 608

sorry  this is really short, but ive had a bit of writer's block and when i wrote this i was in an angsty mood so thats why its depressing. im gonna try make the next one a bit more fluffy?? i wrote this, yeah, 2 days ago, but i was really stumped on how to finish it, and ive been lacking energy lately to really do much, so yah. #kindadepressedbutwhatever

sorry if the writing layout is weird, but ive been doing this off a computer, and i probably will be from now on, because the phone i was using for updates crapped out a bit


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