chpt 11 - the text

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no, im sure that he does like u back. ya wanna know why?

yes ofc i do

because im spiderman

pidge stfu. i dont want u messing with me rn

no, it is me, i took their phone alright? because i know pidge, and im one of their best friends

stop it

i can prove it if u want?

yea do that

Keith reached into the pocket of his hoodie and grabbed out his mask, he already had his suit on underneath. He put it on and decided to video himself, rather than take a photo because Pidge was scarily good at photo shopping. They were also nowhere to be seen, probably getting a ladder or something.

To the camera, he said he was Spiderman, and pulled his mask up so his mouth was visible, and pulled the neck of his hoodie down so he could show that he was wearing the suit. Pidge came screaming into the room, so he flipped the camera and showed Pidge on the ground trying to get back their phone. Keith ended the video and sent it.

That was stupid.

Three dots appeared and disappeared multiple times. Internally, Keith was begging for him to reply sooner.

yeah right fuck off

Then Deadpool disappeared for good.

Keith jumped down from the shelf he was perched, leaving the gremlin's phone up there. Pidge was yelling at him, but he blocked it out and left out the back. He left the clothes he put over his suit in a place where he hoped would stay, and pulled his mask back down.

Spiderman swung up onto one of the buildings by the supermarket and thought about where Deadpool would be, since he'd probably be outside after that. He'd told Spiderman that was how he dealt with things when they got difficult or frustrating.

So Spiderman started looking. Looking everywhere. So he could find Deadpool, and confess or whatever, and everything would be all happy. Hopefully.


short chapter because i want to swap to lances pov

word count: 313

bubye for now

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