chpt 14 - distressed water birds

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An ear splitting boom echoed throughout the park, startling both Deadpool and Spiderman. Across the park orange and yellow flames licked up the ancient trees and the crumbling town hall, the whole earth shook violently.


"That's not a very solid answer you know." Lance was just messing with Spiderman, he had a massive grin on.

"Look," Spiderman pointed off at the fire, brownish smoke already sprinting up at the clouds. "that bastard did it."

Deadpool squinted. "Where exactly am I looking?"

Spiderman rolled his eyes and grabbed Deadpool, pulling him into his right in a tight hug. Lance flushed pink at it.


Spiderman shot a web and swung across the water, skimming a few water birds that had become quite distressed from the erupting smoke and fire. He paused at the other side before he let Deadpool go though, gestured for them to run after he looked at him. There was something, some emotion on his face that Lance could detect, but couldn't distinguish from others.

The two ran, sprinting as fast as possible as they'd already lost plenty of time flirting, and there could very well be dying children in the houses by the hall.

A whispering rusty squeal glided over their heads, gradually becoming louder and more piercing made Spiderman stopped abruptly, grabbing Deadpool's left sword to stop him.

"Stop. Can you hear that?" Spiderman whispered tentatively.

"Hear what? The screaming, wind, booming or something else?" Deadpool whispered back harshly.

"Fuck." Spiderman stated and stood up straight, bringing his hands to his face.

"W-what is it?" Lance was a little worried, in all honesty.

The rest of the world exploded around them in a fury of burning heat, blinding light and deafening chaos. Deadpool dropped, he could barely breathe, as if water had flooded his lungs, and it was heavy, but still letting him breathe slightly. Like a torture.

'what the fuck is happening right now!? is the world ending?'

'no, who, how, is this?'

Lance's breathing shifted rapidly, his eyes blurred and his head hurt. "Fuck, this is, no, not, not again." 

He was blinking quickly and it felt static and flowy at the same time. He was dizzy, the last time was bad enough. This time Spiderman would be with him too.

He pressed the bottoms of his palms into his eyes, took, tried, to take a deep breath in through his nose. He flinched his hands away and everything was so bright, too bright. Everything blurred sideways, leaning like his vision was drunk.

Things, dark shapes, were crashing into the dirt dramatically. But he couldn't hear it. His hearing was impaired, probably. It all blurred together, and the calm blues and greens of the park had been swallowed by the angry oranges and golds and rapid browns and blacks.

Deadpool, he was swaying, but that could be his imagination. He couldn't tell if he was swaying forward and back, or left to right, he could be swaying in a circle too, but couldn't even tell if he was turning left or right.

He pressed his hands back to his eyes, they didn't burn, but he was panicking over the fact he couldn't breathe well. He'd switched from freaked breaths through his nose, to inhaling shallow but massive breaths through his mouth. 

He was trying to swallow air, but it didn't feel like he could get any oxygen. When he breathed, his mouth opened almost fully, but his throat would close and prevent any air coming through.

The breathing got quicker and quicker as he scared himself more.

'youre going to die, youre going to die, youre going to die! why cant you breathe?!'

Big tears spilled from his eyes, catching in the mask, making it heavier. His nose ran and the snot made it even harder to breathe. He choked.

'take the FUCKING mask off!'

'no, youre ugly as fuck. spidey will see you and just run, because monsters like you dont deserve to live!'

Lance was working himself up. He tried to quiet down his panicked sobs, choking more but keeping the coughs quiet as well. 

He was going to die. After he got himself so worked up over nothing. Even if he fixed his breathing, there was a good chance he'd get stuck from something, and the smoke would cut of his oxygen for good.

'probably a good thing, you know. i mean, what have you seriously done to help someone, you just fuck up their lives and refuse to stay'

"No, wha- what about Hunk? He- he's my- my best frie-nd." Lance sobbed.

'is he really though? all you do is annoy him, and then when your pathetic self breaks down, he has to do everything for you. he probably just pities you, because your life is so sad. he has other friends, but because of you he barely sees them. and what about shay? whenever he wants to see her, you make an excuse so he can stay and do some boring shit with him. and when you broke down over allura, he didnt see anyone else for probably two weeks because he had to take care of your sorry ass. you couldnt  even function without him. youre like a child. an autistic child who needs constant supervision.'


that last line, i dont mean any hate against people with autism, and i do mean that because i have autistic family and friends and i am also supposedly autistic, but i dont have a diagnosis, so im not gonna say i do

i also feel real evil rn, because initially, i was gonna make them lift their masks and kiss under that tree, but im the writer, and writers are annoying and dont get to the point that quick. like when im reading, and i have to stop to do something, i make up scenarios about what will happen next while i do something, and its the same when i write. like i set up that whole park so it would be real cute or smth, and then I DIDNT STICK TO IT. anyway, we'll get there someday

word count: 855


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