chpt 8 - kfc SUUUCKSS

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"How did you even find me? I'm like 25km away from where we usually meet up." Spiderman asked as they walked around town holding Tim and Wendy.

"I live near here." Deadpool lied. A big fat lie.

"Really?" Spidey looked at him, raising an eyebrow under the mask.

"No. Not even close." Deadpool chuckled. "I'm a good 40 k's away."

"What are you stalking me or something?" Keith asked, half completely freaked out, half sort of excited that Deadpool liked him enough to stalk him.

That was definitely not a good thing though, for all he knew, Deadpool could be sixteen years older than him and been charged for pedophilia or sexual harassment.

Although, a large part of him strongly believed that was not the case. He guessed that his agility probably meant he was around 18-24, and his attitude and behavior suggested he was 16-21.

So, Keith thought he'd probably be around 20, the math led him to be 19.75 years. Which was a good thing, meant Keith and Spiderman weren't crushing on a kid or a 30 year old man.

"Noooo... I was just taking Wendy and Tim for a walk." Deadpool said.

He could've been lying, telling the truth, Spidey didn't know.

"How old are you?" Spiderman blurted unintentionally.

Deadpool cocked his head to the side and Spiderman guessed he was frowning. "What? Why?" He said chuckling slightly.

"Because I want to know if you are actually how old I think you are, or like 15. Or a 40 year old man." Spidey explained.

"How old are you?"

"I asked first."

"Well how do I know you're not 40 years old?" Deadpool asked, held his hands in front of himself, stepping away from Spiderman.

"Do I really seem 40?" Keith asked sarcastically.

"I mean, yeah to be honest." Deadpool joked and Spiderman shoved him gently.

"I'm 20." He said.

"Oh." Pooly didn't say it sadly, but more... disbelieving. Excited? Relieved? Whatever it was, he felt some sort of hope at this.


"Nothing, I'm 19 then. Turning 20 in like a week."

"Aw, no way! Why'd'nt you tell me? Now I have to get you a present. When is it?" Spiderman asked.

"28th of the 7th." Pooly said, arms behind his back, leaning against the wall. "Yours?"

"October 23rd."

"Hah, that's ages away.

"How old did you think I was, actually?" Spidey asked.

Deadpool mumbled something Spiderman couldn't quite catch, asked him to repeat it. "24."

"Well that's better than 40."

Deadpool snorted loudly. "Yeah. But it means I'm real bad at estimating peoples ages."

"Nah, only four years off. I'm real good at it actually. I did some maths and guessed you'd be 19, turning 20 in a week to 3 months." Spiderman bragged.

"Wow. Spot on." Pooly said it in a tone you would use with a young child. Face still stone cold. Expressionless. No emotion under the mask.

"What are we going to do today? Might as well hang out." Keith suggested.

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