Special Chapter: The (Thought to be) Missing Man

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*Valentina POV*

"Monarch, can you go over these last few lists while I get done signing the rest please?"

"Of course commander."

2 weeks. It has been 2 weeks since we got more supplies like Theodore and Kaiser promised. But with the increase in supply of course comes at an increase in work load. I am glad Monarch agreed to be my Assistant..

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Are we expecting someone commander?" Monarch asked me

"Not to my knowledge the base is still mostly asleep, come in!"

The door opens revealing a certain Draco... He's covered in blood.

"Hey Commander, Monarch. Im going on a solo sortie for a bit if anyone needs me uh call me. Ok bye stay safe-"

And within moments he slammed the door.. Monarch noticed the blood as well.

"Uh Commander... we might need to inform Kaiserin..."

I agreed and called for her over the intercom. After a few seconds she appears through a portal in front of us.

"You called Valentina?"

"Ye- Yes I did. I wanted to let you know Kaiser has left the port and was covered in blood. Not his own..."

"So that is why there is bloody footprints through the halls... I will look for my husband..."

And with that she's teleported off. I hope someone didn't get killed...

*POV Kaiserin*

I leave him unattended for a few minutes... But i cannot lie watching him do absurd things always makes me laugh. I need to call Tester Beta...

I teleport to the Siren dorms and find Beta sitting on a couch, she notices me and stands to meet me.

"You need something mother?"

"Yes... I need help finding your father. He has disappeared and the commander has tasked me with finding him."

"I will help. Let's find father before he winds up in a bind again..."

*Kaiser POV*

Eugh... hate this shit... knew I shouldn't have allowed Delta access to fruit jelly...

Someone's gonna come looking for me I know it. Eh might as well enjoy this while it lasts. I input the coordinates given to me into my console and sail off.

*Unknown POV*

We have been waiting for some time. This... "Kaiser" person said he would meet us for.. what was it he called it? 'A good fuckin time!' My sister on the other hand doesn't like the waiting.

"Sister is he even coming? I tire of waiting!" She moans in annoyance.

"Yes he is coming just give him a minute. You remember these waters aren't calm."

"Fine but I better get something good to drink afterwor- What's that??" She begins pointing out to sea and there is a ship coming in through the mist.

It's bigger than any ship we have... able to dwarf aircraft carriers, and on the side we see in bold font... "Dragons Breath: Leviathan"...

We look to the top of the bow and see... a man standing watching us.. he does a wierd gesture and starts... dancing??

We can hear him blasting music and hear him shout

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We can hear him blasting music and hear him shout


What is this man?

*Kaiser POV*

I start playing C-Walk by Kurupt and the first thing they see is me doing the dance with it. Oh the looks on their faces.

My ship, ever so dwarfing them, pulls to the side and comes to a halt as I jump down from my ship to Hers.

"Howdy! Sorry I was late I had to change clothing due to... a mess... Anyways thank you Rossiya and Belorussiya for meeting me here."

They both look wildly confused and soon Rossiya is the first one to speak.

"Yes I didn't think passing up a chance to relax. That was an interesting dance you did earlier comrade. What was it?"

She saw! "Oh that's called a 'C-Walk' learned it some time ago from a man who smoked a lot of recreational stuff. Dogg was a good guy."

The night went on, soon we started sharing stories but.. I feel an all to familiar presence "Girls give me a singular moment kindly I must deal with an eavesdropping person."

They both look at me as I suddenly jump and catch seemingly nothing before hearing said nothing let out a cute yelp and fall into my arms.

"EEP-" the formerly invisible siren now fully visible with a noticeable red in her face "Hello.. I did not expect you to just.. catch me dear..."

"Love I will recognize my own wife's presence anywhere. Plus I already knew Beta was here, You can come out kiddo! The jigs up!"

As soon as I say that Beta appears beside me trying not to laugh.

"I never though mom would be the bashful type. Hello Father."

It took some time of the night to properly explain what was going on. It was more difficult for my blushing wife as I would not let her down, this was punishment for her eavesdropping.

Rossiya is more or less over it at this point but her sister is more confused than anything. They weren't filled in completely.

"Love, dear we need to get back to base. Valentina is worried."

"Mother is right, plus we need to get back to the base for the party and celebrations."

"Ah fine, Rossiya i will see you two later. It's been a pleasure drinking with you!"

"Goodbye Comrade, and Kaiserin your always welcome to the Northern Parliament! Safe travels you three!"

We start to sail off and love speaks  "Beta dead go on ahead of us, there's something I need to do with your Father."

"I will see you soon mom."

Beta teleports away and I look towards her "Ao what's it you wanted to do-" I'm cut off as she takes me into a kiss

"Something special for Christmas dear~"

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