Chapter 7

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Felix and Eiran stayed like that for what felt like minutes but in all reality was more like hours. They didn't say anything but they didn't feel the need to. Felix needed to be comforted and Eiran didn't need word to do exactly that.

Eiran's presence was enough to comfort Felix. when the tears stopped and Felix's breaths began to be consistent once more, Eiran asked, "Do you need to lay down?"

Felix just shook his head, still clutching Eiran's hand. "Do you need anything? Crying that much can't be good for your head."He questioned tentatively. "No. I'm okay I just- I just need someone here with me for now. Is that okay?"He asked, looking at Eiran.

"Those eyes. They're so beautiful. How can something so beautiful exist? How could I ever say no to them?"Eiran thought to himself. Felix continued to stare at him, blissfully unaware of how much Eiran wanted to stay there with him for as long as humanly possible. 

"Of course. However long you need. I can't imagine anything you're going through right now."He finally answered, tightening his grip on Felix's hand that was holding his.

They stayed there for what felt like forever just talking. Felix never did let go of Eiran's hand in this time and Eiran never once pulled away from him. "Do you have any siblings?"Felix asked at one point. "Ya. My little brother Kaiden is kind of the whole reason I'm here. He got upset about our parents then lost control of his powers. I took the blame for him."Eiran explained.

"Your parents? What happened to them?"Felix questioned, raising an eyebrow. Eiran looked at their hands, intertwined with one another. He focused on them while talking. "When I was 13, I got into a really bad argument with them. I lost control. My fire is my most dominant power because they both had it. They tried to control the flames but they couldn't. Kaiden was only 4... He doesn't have parents because of me."He sniffed, not daring to look at Felix.

"You couldn't control it."Felix stated, looking at Eiran, who still didn't look up. "No, but I could've stopped it. I was so angry...I didn't even think I...just stood there... Their screams have been haunting me ever since."Eiran admitted, still not looking at Felix.

"You feel guilty. That means you're not a monster. You were 13. You didn't know that much about your powers and you were upset."Felix comforted Eiran, squeezing his hand tightly. There it was again. That sweet voice and those eyes. He felt those eyes on him. Eiran felt like the world had stopped. Everything was okay now and nothing bad could ever happen so long as Felix was there, comforting him and holding his hand.

He nodded, finally looking up at Felix. Before he could process anything Felix hugged him. It wasn't just a gentle, fleeting hug. This was a tight, loving hug like one a dear friend you've known for years would give you. Except he hadn't known Felix for years, he had only known him mere hours.

Wow. Just a few hours and this boy had already broken down any wall Eiran had ever built up. The walls that were there to protect him in this crazy, unforgiving world were gone around him. He finally snapped back to reality and hugged him back, burying his face in Felix's neck. 

"Feeling better now?"Felix asked, still holding Eiran. "A little tired, but other than that, ya, I'm good. You?"He answered smiling. "Same."He responded. Eiran pulled away and stood from the chair he had pulled out. "I think I'm going to head to bed. See you in the morning?"He questioned, smiling at him. "Ya. See you in the morning."Felix told him, now standing up.

Before Eiran could walk out of the room, Felix called out to him. "Oh and, Eiran! Thank you."He said, waving goodnight. "Your welcome."Eiran said just above a whisper.

Eiran woke up the next morning, Sun shining in his eyes and Lola waking him  up. "Wake up sleepy head. We got work to do today. Oh, and breakfast is ready."She said, walking off. He got up and got dressed to go get him some food. When he got to the kitchen, he noticed Annalise and Lola weren't there. He looked around and then to Felix, who apparently knew what he was going to ask.

"Lola went out to look at the soil out front and Anna went with her. She said something about wanting to help in any way she could. I don't know."He chuckled while explaining. "I think she's just avoiding me." Eiran inferred, walking up to get breakfast. "Maybe."Felix answered.

His dad turned to him to sign something to Felix, who responded from across the table. "What did he say?"Eiran asked, holding a piece of toast to his mouth. "Oh, he asked why Anna was so insistent on avoiding you. I told him a shortened version of what happened."Felix explained, turning his attention to his eggs.

"Oh, okay."Eiran said, turning to his food. "He doesn't feel the same way she does if you were wondering. He thinks just because one person before your time with your powers had one way of thinking, doesn't mean you think that way or want to hurt anyone."Felix explained, looking at Eiran. "Really? Can you show me how to say thank you to him?"Eiran asked, seeing Felix put down his fork.

"Oh, Okay."Felix answered, showing him some signs that he tried to imitate. After a few tries Felix finally said, "There, you got it." Eiran turned to Felix's dad and made the same hand signs. He smiled and signed back. "He says you are greatly appreciated. He thanks you for wanting change in the state of the world right now."Felix said. Eiran just nodded to him.

Eiran liked to think he found a common ground with Felix's dad that day. It wasn't fluently signing to him and understanding him but it was a start and he was okay with that. Eiran finished his breakfast quickly but waited for Felix so they could go out and see how the girls were doing.

"Thanks for waiting for me."Felix said, placing his plate in a small sink. "No problem."Eiran told him, smiling. He didn't completely know where he stood with Felix but he knew one thing, he was quickly becoming an extremely important person in his life and he was okay with that.

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