On a summer afternoon

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One summer afternoon Sky and his roommates are sitting in the Lobby of Esteem Architecture, a subsidiary of Soikhom Group, one of the biggest Conglomerates in Thailand. It's his last year of college, Summer Vacations will start in a month. He really wanted to do his internship from this company. He would also like to work here if he gets a chance after his graduation. First to get called for the interview was Sky himself, he was a bit nervous at the start. There were three interviewers sitting in the room. Thankfully one of them was an omega, Sky felt relieved. This architecture firm was famous for being fair in their interviews. There were two positions opened this year, it's a new thing. Normally they only hired one every year. Interview went well, they asked him about his final year project plans, and future plans as well. Sky really wanted to get this opportunity.

The day Sky had been waiting for the past few weeks has finally arrived. It was his first day at the internship. He was very excited about it. He reached the office lobby at 8:35am, almost an hour early. Receptionist told him to wait in the lobby for another intern to arrive. Sky was getting pissed off and worried as it was already 9:32am and the other intern did not reach yet. He stood up to ask the receptionist about the other intern, meanwhile he saw a tall guy run through the main door. His eyes followed him towards the receptionist, her name was Ruby. He saw them talking about something and there was a constant irritating smile on the guy's lips. 'If this was the other intern then he thought his bad luck just started' sky thought. 'Who comes late on the first day of work'. He was dragged out of his thoughts when Ruby called his name and told them to follow her. 'So, this guy really is the other intern' Sky thought.

At 1pm Sky found himself thinking about what all can happen in the next 1 month while he works with the other Intern named 'Prapai'. It was a mess in the last 3 hrs they have worked together. There are a lot of problems this guy named Prapai has. First, He is older than him, which means Sky has to run all the errands, obviously. Second, He is flirting with every girl present in their section of the office. Third and biggest problem, He is an Alpha. 'Sky you are doomed' he told himself. Sky still didn't feel comfortable around alphas. It always reminded him of his ex-boyfriend. The reason Sky only befriended Omegas and Humans. He was even afraid of Female Alpha. He felt overwhelmed around them. 'it's just one month Sky, don't worry you can handle this' He consoled himself.

Prapai liked this job very much, what he didn't like was his father's idea of lying to everyone about his real Identity. His ID card was specially made without his surname in it. It only had his first name in it. Unfortunately, he didn't even have an English name like most people in Thailand have because his name can be easily pronounced. When he was studying in England his friends used to call him wind or sometimes even hurricane 🌀. But he liked his Thai name more, Prapai or as his close ones called him Pai.

His father wanted him to work in the new architecture wing they have started a few years ago to understand why the growth is slower than he expected. It was obviously famous for being a Soikhom Group subsidiary, but his father thought it should have performed way better by now. As an intern it's easier to listen and see how people work around here to understand what is going wrong. After completing his masters in London, he was working in their Europe branch for almost 4years. He came back to Thailand just 2 weeks ago. Hence only the very higher up employees knew Prapai by face. Rest didn't even know his name. They Just knew the owner of the company had three kids, eldest didn't live in Thailand, and other two were twins and were in their first year of college.

Most important reason for liking this job is the cute intern who works along with him. He is diligent, hardworking and very intelligent. And he never stopped himself from showing his vexation towards Prapai, Prapai knew why that adorable thing didn't like him. They were poles apart. Prapai is an ENTJ while Sky is an ISTJ. It was on Friday afternoon when Prapai started feeling a strong gravitational pull toward Sky. He wanted to talk about a new shopping mall they were supporting, so he went near Sky's desk. He leaned a little on the table near Sky's ears and murmured Sky's name. Sky was immersed in his work and got startled on hearing his name. He looked up and found Prapai's eyes a mere few inches away from his own. Sky tried to move back abruptly and almost would have fallen back if Pai didn't hold his hands. Sky felt weird tingles on his wrist where Pai's fingers were resting. Sky called his name, told him to let his hand go but Pai didn't budge. He was looking at Sky, directly into his eye but didn't seem like he was able to hear him. Sky used his free hand to poke his shoulder to bring him back to the present from wherever his mind was wandering. After realizing what he did Pai was embarrassed and Sky visibly turned scarlet.

It's nature's law that the opposite attracts. Same was happening to Prapai, he was definitely attracted to Sky. After the incident on Friday afternoon, Pai was thinking about him throughout the weekend. He was desperately waiting for weekends to end so that he can find a new excuse to talk to Sky. To get his contact number and maybe try to make Sky comfortable with him. He has never ever waited for a Monday like this. Maybe it was something more than attraction. He wanted to know Sky, but Sky didn't give a damn about what Prapai thinks. He never looked interested in Pai. Prapai was kind of disappointed by this fact, but Prapai knew he can do it. He is very perseverant and optimistic about things he wanted in his life. For now, he wanted to know Sky and he will, he thought.

On Monday morning Prapai wanted to reach the office before his office time. He wanted to greet Sky when he arrived. But when he reached the office, it was already 9:45am. Pai was late again, on a day he wanted to reach on time was the day Bangkok had the worst traffic due to heavy rains early in the morning and he had to take his car to the office as bike won't work. When he reached his desk, he realized Sky wasn't there in the office. He tried to subtly ask their manager about his absence. He didn't want to hear that Sky was on some kind of On Duty out of office work on a day when the weather is so bad outside or worst 'on a leave'. His manager was going to say something when his eyes drifted behind Pai, 'there he is, even you got stuck in the traffic? Pai was looking for you about some work.' he said. As soon as Prapai realized Sky was behind him, he turned. A bright smile on his face, fainted as soon as it came when he realized that Sky looked paler than other days. It looked like Sky was going to faint any second now. Pai sprinted towards Sky and held him in his arms before Sky fell on the ground. An inner voice screamed "Protech him".

Chapter Management

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