Can I? P'Pai?

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We will get to know more about Sky's trauma in the coming chapters. This one has some glimpsed of it. I hope you like my version of Rain. A mature and reliable friend to Sky. His temporary shelter until he finds his permanent home.

It was almost 8 when they reached Tha Chang pier. "Chaophraya at night is always the best place in the whole of Bangkok," Sky says. Whenever Sky misses his hometown he comes to the riverbank at night. Rain knew Sky loved this place so he brought him here after having dinner at one of Sky's favorite places. Rain knows when his friend is stressed it's best to feed him his favorite food and a night stroll at Chaophraya bank.

After meeting Sky, Rain said, "Let's go eat something first and then we can go to your favorite pier. We can sit there and talk." Sky's thoughts were still clouded with other things. He just followed Rain around and waited for them to reach the pier.

"See your favorite Chaophraya, are you feeling better after dinner?"

"Ya I am. I want to talk to you about your relation with P'Phayu?"

"My relation? Why?"

"You know right that day when I was in hospital and you couldn't come to pick me up, P'Pai took me back home?"

"Ya I remember, what about that?"

"Did you know P'Pai and P'Phayu are friends?"

"I knew P' has a friend who lives out of the country, obviously never met him before. That day when P' intentionally kept me involved in meetings I was suspicious of him and confronted him that night."

"What? Really?"

"Ya so P' confessed me that he wanted to help P'Pai."

"What help?"

"I don't know if I should tell you or not. First tell me what you wanted to talk about, I am not sure if I am the correct person to tell you about it or you should hear it from P' himself."

"Are you talking about me being his soulmate?"

"YA..." "Did he already tell you that?" Rain asked.

"Ya he did. Tell me Rain is it real?"

"If you are asking if soulmates exist or not, ya they do. My parents were soulmates. My mom met my father when she went for her college tour to Korea. You know right my father is an Alpha and mom is omega?"

"Ya I know, you told me that your sister is an Alpha."

"Ya so when they met, my father felt the pull towards my mom. He was also a college student, he somehow made sure to get my mom's number and later shifted to Thailand to pursue my mom. He just left his country for his soulmate, because once you find your soulmate you can't stay away from them."

"Do you think P'Pai will follow me to Korea if I get that scholarship I applied?"

"Ya, he will have to, after finding you he can't stay apart from you. Are you seriously considering Korea now?"

"No I am not, I am just asking you the question."

"Ya so one line answer is yes they do. Everyone is born with a soulmate but all of them aren't as lucky to find each other. So some people just marry with someone who is compatible with them, like normal humans, but the problem starts when after marriage one of them meets their soulmates."

As soon as Sky heard that he looked sad.

"Why do you look sad, it's a good thing you found each other." Rain said.

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