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He just needs P'Pai near him now. 'Is P'Pai my soulmate? Is that thing even real?' Sky thought. Prapai moved in his sleep turning towards Sky and gave him a peck on his forehead

Sky started whining as soon as Prapai stopped kissing him. Prapai knew how much he wanted to kiss Sky, but he wasn't sure what was the right thing to do. He was more than 100% sure about Sky being his mate and he was the right person to be here with Sky but he was torn between his mind and heart. His body wanted Sky and his mind was telling him it's wrong as Sky's mind is not in his control. He would never allow this if he was in his right mind. And Sky's continuous seduction was making it hard for Prapai to resist him. Sky started unbuttoning Prapai's shirt, touching him in the softest way possible, kissing his nipples one after the another. This broke the patience Prapai had like the Dam broke due to flood. Emotions flooded him. He held Sky in his arms, made him sit on his lap. Sky was still fully dressed. Prapai started kissing his lips, sky opened his mouth slightly to let Prapai enter him.

Prapai kissed him as if he was hungry for this throughout his life. Now he understood why it never worked with all the partners he had in the last 10 years. It was never meant to be with them. The pull he felt towards Sky from the first glance he had on Sky, was never felt by him before.

Prapai kissed his lips, bit his bottom lips slightly and sky whimpered, He moved on to his cheek to ear to his neck. He left pink marks on Sky's porcelain white collarbone with his kisses. He helped Sky come out of the t-shirt he was wearing. Started kissing his nipples, eating them, marking them. He changed their position, now sky's back touched the bed, Prapai hovering over him. Sky wanted to taste Prapai again, he moved towards Prapai's lips.

"Control baby, let me worship you." Prapai said. Prapai could feel a throbbing sensation between his legs, he ignored them, Sky is more important than that, he needed to make Sky feel better, make him exhausted so that he falls asleep, much needed sleep his body needs. Prapai started licking his other side of the neck, Sky gasped. Prapai wanted to know if Sky has any boyfriend in his life, probably not, how come he has a boyfriend and not contacted him in the last almost 48 hours he was with Sky. He looked in his eyes and asked "Baby do you have a boyfriend?" Sky gave him a questioning look, put both of his hands around Prapai's neck, dragged him, said "NO" and started kissing Prapai on his lips.

Prapai moved from his lips to neck to his chest. He licked his nipples, Sky always gave a different expression when he sucked on his nipples. Sky's most sensitive part was his nipples, Prapai will always remember this information for the rest of his life. He went down on Sky, kissed his belly button, and started licking around it. Sky was almost shaking from orgasm, he was on the verge of losing it.

Sky was giving indication of the "need" to him, but Prapai was never going to do it when Sky is not himself and can't think straight. He wanted Sky to accept him and not take this chance as a benefit and have sex with Sky. He helped Sky reach his orgasm. He dropped into Prapai's arms with almost no energy left in his body. It was a few moments after midnight. Prapai helped Sky clean up, change sheets and his clothes, and went into the Kitchen. Sky needs to be fed to gain some energy back.

"Baby, sit here, don't lie down, you need to eat."

Sky nodded in acceptance.

Even though he told Sky to sit and not lie down on the bed when he came back Sky was lying down on his left side cocooned in the fetal position holding a big plush bear pillow. He looked so cute Prapai couldn't control himself from taking a picture of Sky, or maybe a few pictures, or maybe a lot of them. Pai helped half awake Sky sit beside him, he leaned on Pai's shoulder and said

"P'Pai I want to sleep, I don't want to eat."

"No baby, you need to eat"

"Ummm" he whined.

"Ok keep your head here, I will feed you" Pai touched Sky's head and nudged his hair.

Prapai was only able to feed Sky a few spoonful before he completely dozed off and fell on Prapai's lap. He kept the food bowl aside, moved Sky and placed his head on the pillow, gave him the plushy he was hugging, tucked him in the blanket, kissed his forehead before going out of the room to find a change of dress for himself.

Prapai took some loose clothes from Sky's closet and went to take a bath. He put Sky clothes and the bedsheet in the laundry basket to clean it the next day. He hung his clothes in the cloth hook on Sky's bedroom door. Went out to sleep on the sofa, he didn't want to sleep with Sky, he wasn't sure he could control himself one more time if Sky woke up in the middle of his sleep again hungry for an Alpha.

He has never spent heat with any Omega, he thought it should be only spent with your partner. He wanted to do it with only his partner and never accepted all the offers he got from his hookups. Hence he wasn't sure how it worked.

It was a wide sofa enough for two people to sleep if they slept hugging each other. He imagined Sky with him on the sofa cuddling and smiled at the thought. Prapai was looking through the pictures he took of Sky when he was sleeping in the hospital and again tonight. At some point he also dozed off to deep slumber.

Sky woke up from his sleep, didn't find anyone with him on the bed, but he was able to feel the presence of an Alpha near him. He could smell the presence, he went near the place where the smell was coming from, it was from the clothes hung on the door hook. He took off the clothes, and there are more in the laundry basket and took them with him to the bed. He wanted that smell near him.

He put them on the bed and cuddled with them, trying to sleep with them. He couldn't. He wasn't getting the solace he wanted. He realized he was in heat and not much sure what happened before he slept, but he was sure Prapai was there in his flat and these were his clothes for sure. It smelled like him. He wasn't sure why he was so much attracted to Prapai's smell. Before he was easily able to control his heats without any Alpha around him.

He needed to find the source of this smell, so he went out of the room and found Prapai asleep in his clothes. Prapai was sleeping on his back, right hand under his head and left hand on his chest. Sky saw there was a lot of space on Prapai's right side. He removed the cushions on the sofa to make enough space for himself. He went back to his room, brought the blanket, turned on the AC in the hall and crawled beside Prapai and cuddled him. He rested his head on Prapai's folded elbow. In sleep Prapai moved his hand from under his head and held Sky near him. Sky first froze, but then relaxed in this warm embrace. He decided he will try to wake up before Prapai and move to his own bed after a few hours.

Sky was never an Omega who needed an Alpha during his heats. His heat only stayed for some two or two and a half days at max. He also thought of the date, his heat was early this month, almost a week early. Maybe it happened because he was sick. Maybe he can think about all this after he is out of the heat.

He definitely needs to think on all this but for now he will take whatever Prapai was providing him. Warmth and safety, he never felt this safe being so near to an Alpha. Any alpha who approached him made him remember his past. The betrayal and heartbreak Gun gave him. He doesn't need to think about all that now. He just needs P'Pai near him now. 'Is P'Pai my soulmate? Is that thing even real?' Sky thought. Prapai moved in his sleep turning towards Sky and gave him a peck on his forehead, Sky looked at Pai thinking maybe he is awake but no he wasn't he was fast asleep.

Sky kissed Prapai's lips and closed his eyes, it felt home, tranquility hit his head. He felt drunk in it and drifted off to slumber.


I wanted to make it soft. I hope you guys like.

Drop me comments if you like it.

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