Let's get married

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It was late evening (after dinner) on the day Prapai came back to Thailand after staying for two weeks in London. He obviously needs to go back again for the meetings scheduled next week but for now he will put his 100% focus on his boyfriend, who has been too clingy since they met at the airport. Sky is never clingy unless he is in heat. 'Yes. Sky should be in full heat tomorrow as today is 9th Aug.' He also considers that day as the start of their relationship because it's the same day he came to know Sky was his soulmate. It was his birthday. Even though Sky doesn't accept it as their relationship start date. Sky doesn't want to spend their anniversaries in heat, but Prapai is Prapai he's not gonna compromise on this date because he thinks it's the best day of his life. The day he found his soulmate his Sky.

"P'Pai..... What are you thinking?"

They were on the living room sofa, Prapai was sitting and Sky's head was on Prapai's lap, eyes closed and was lying on the sofa. Prapai's hand caressing Sky's hair.

"How do you know I am thinking something, your eyes are closed?"

"I can feel it from the way you are touching my hair."

"Oh is it?"

"Hmm.. P'Pai I need to show you something." Sky said while sitting up.

He walked into his room and came back with his laptop.

"You know right, I want to study for a Masters Degree?"

"I know, I already told you to accompany me to London."

"You know I can't afford London."

"But I can."

"I know, but I don't want to use your money unless we are actually ma...."

Prapai cut him off in the middle of the sentence and said "Ok then let's get married tomorrow."

"Huh? P'Pai I want to talk to you about something serious."

"I am serious. You are doubting me? Wait." He pickup his phone and called someone, "Namtam, can you check what are the documents I need to get married tomorrow?"

Sky started slapping Prapai's arms and shouting. "P'.... have you gone mad? I am not saying that....cut the call now...."

Prapai disconnected the call and said "Ok ok. Tell you what you want then."

"Can you please listen to me until I tell you to speak again? Or else I am not telling you anything and you will be surprised in 20 days."

"What does that even mean?"

"I told you not to ask anything, I am not gonna tell you anything now. I am going to sleep while you sleep on the sofa today."

Prapai held Sky by his waist and put his head on Sky's shoulder "Sorry sorry Sky, I will not ask you anything. Please don't make me sleep on the sofa tonight, I miss you beside me"

"Promise you won't ask?"


He opened his laptop, opened the acceptance mail he got from Seoul National University and placed the laptop in front of Pai. Pai first saw a lot of korean on the pdf doc Sky showed him and then he saw the english and slowly realized what it is.

"You applied to college in South Korea? But you don't want to accompany me to London.....why Baby?" Sky felt the hurt in Prapai's voice. It was a very sad voice. Sky Hugged Prapai from the side and put down his head on Prapai's shoulder.

"P'Pai, I don't want to use your sources or money to make my career, I want to prove to my relatives that even though I am an omega I can achieve something they achieved as Alphas. All my cousins are Alphas. I am the only omega in my generation. My mother was so ashamed of the fact that I was an omega and she couldn't birth an Alpha. She never loved me. Even she felt ashamed that my father, who is also an Alpha, couldn't birth an Alpha. You know how genetics work right? In my whole family only two people loved me, my Pa and my Uncle. My uncle never got married, so it was always like I was his own son. This flat also belongs to him, he has a lot of properties in Bangkok. My cousins and their parents always blame me and my father that my uncle didn't get married as we didn't let him because we wanted his money."

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