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Sky walked into the office building in daze. One hour ago he was happily getting ready to start his last week of internship. He was planning to visit his father in Lopburi. It's been almost a year since he visited his hometown.

He called Rain.

"Hey, Are you better now? P'Pai told me it was heat."


"What are your plans for the rest of the vacation?"

"I Don't know"

"But you said you will go to meet your father. By the way, why did you call?"

"To ask about the reason why I can't go meet my father."

"What? How will I know that? Sky, are you sure you are fine? You are speaking bullshit."

"Can we meet after office today? I need to talk to you."

"OK, sure. But about what?"

"Can't tell you now I will tell you after we meet."

"You know I am bad at handling curiosity. Now I won't be able to focus on work today. Tell me na..."

"It's about P'Pai. That's all, don't ask more."

"You like him?"



"Rain put down the phone now that I reached office."

Rain sighed. "Ok, see you tonight."

In a press conference the same afternoon it was announced that Prapai was to be the CFO of the company, Sky also saw the telecast on the TVs present in their office specially for news related to the company. People obviously started talking about it in the office. Sky was not tense about Prapai coming to pick him up in the Black sports car and the whole office will look at him. He just wanted to complete his last 4 days of internship in peace and not getting connected to the owner's son. He doesn't want rumors which may affect Prapai too in some way. He wanted to explain this to Prapai but he knew Prapai won't care about all this. This much he was sure about that Alpha with whom he worked 3 weeks before he fell sick. He was never a person to care about the world if he thought something was right according to him. But Sky didn't want any problems for Prapai, not that he cared about him in a special way, but still he was the 'first person' who was nice to him without any ulterior motive, except his best friend Rain of course. 'Rain is a sweetheart' Sky thought. Prapai is not the 'first person', he should say Prapai is the first Alpha he ever met who was nice to him. But then there is Phayu too, he is an Alpha, he is also nice to Sky. But he does have an ulterior motive, He needs to keep his boyfriend happy. 'Prapai is really the first Alpha he ever met who was nice to Sky without any ulterior motive' Sky concluded. He picked up his phone to call Prapai to try to convince him not to pick Sky from the office.

Prapai was in his cabin at the main office of Soikhom Group and it was around 2:30pm in the afternoon when his phone rang. He was busy meeting with the overseas team. He did not want to disconnect Sky's call so he ignored the call. He sent Sky a message on Line "I will call you as soon as I am done with this meeting. Are you ok? Is it something urgent?" and placed the phone aside. His phone buzzed immediately.

"P'Pai can we please not meet at the office gate today evening?"

After seeing the msg from Sky Prapai couldn't concentrate on his meeting anymore. He proposed a short break for everyone in the meeting. Sky is more important than this meeting right now, obviously job is important but a short 15 minute break isn't gonna harm anyone. But talking to Sky right now is very important.

He called Sky.

"Hello baby."

'Another Baby,' Sky stayed silent. 'Baby' word makes him go stiff, he realized.

"Are you there Sky?"

"Yes." Sky murmured.

"Tell me what happened dear, why don't you want me to come pick you up tonight?"

"Are you going to lock me up at your place now that you are sure that I am your soulmate?"

"What? Why will I do so?"

"People do, that's how it's supposed to be."

"No, I will never do that. Is that why you don't want me to pick you up? Fine I won't. At Least let me meet you everyday once na?"

"I want to meet Rain tonight, can you...... come to my house.....Maybe tonight? I also.....need to talk to you." Sky hesitated.

"I will follow you anywhere you allow me, Baby." "What time do you want me to?"

"Can I call you after about the time?"

"Sure Baby, I have to go back to the meeting, See you tonight na. Will wait for your call."

Sky was trying hard to concentrate on his work. The only thought lingering in his head was "Prapai''. He said he wants to pursue him. He wants to put in the effort. He will follow him anywhere he will allow him. But in his whole life he has seen that it's the other way around for Omegas. "They need to put efforts to have an Alpha in their life and will take care of them." 'The only thing an Alpha is supposed to do traditionally is take care of their Omegas financially.'

'And why didn't they have sex? Omegas always need to lie low when they are in heat so that they don't come in contact with an Alpha at that time.' "And P'Pai had an open opportunity, I was willing, I must have been right? Because why not? P'Pai is hot and I was in heat, not that I think he is hot now.' Sky Slapped himself. "What are you thinking Sky, have you gone insane?"

The sun was already setting down, sky looked at his watch, it was already 5:45pm, he called rain and told him to meet at 6:00pm in front of his office and then they can go to a cafe or something where they can talk. Sky needs to talk to someone about everything, otherwise he is going to go mad for sure. 

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