Can we start dating?

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On Friday afternoon Sky's phone buzzed.

"Can we start dating from tonight?" Sky saw the message on his lock screen and laughed hard. Sometimes P'Pai is hilarious.

"Let's meet tonight," Sky replied.

"Can I please pick you up from your office 🥺🥺?"

Sky saw the message. 'Is he the same person who was looking so hot and dashing while giving his introduction speech as the CFO of the company?' Sky thought.

"Are you the same person who was giving an interview today on TV?" Sky replied.

"That Prapai is for the world, this one is exclusively for you." He replied.

Sky blushed hard, his porcelain skin turned pink.

"As you wish." Sky sent the message and thought 'It's not like I can actually stop P' from doing what he wants.'

Again his phone buzzed.

"Did you blush?" Sky's eyes opened wide after he saw the message. He checked his surroundings in search of Prapai. Obviously he wasn't anywhere near him.

"Sky~~?" Another message popped up on his screen.

"Okay okay...Pick me up from the office." Sky replied and kept his phone aside to complete his work before his last day ends at work.

He has almost a month left before he gets his final degree in the month of August. He was planning to visit his father during this time.

_ _ _ _ _

It was almost 7:30pm in the evening when Prapai parked his car in front of Sky's apartment. Being a friday, there was a lot of traffic on the road. It took them more than an hour to cover the distance between their office and the flat. Pai looked at the sleeping Sky on the passenger seat. "He looks small and delicate while he is sleeping, I want to always protect him from the world" Prapai thought. He didn't want to wake Sky up so he started looking at his phone and wait for Sky to wake up.

"P'Pai...?" Sky blinked his eyes open and tried to look around to determine the location.

"Did we reach P'Pai?"

Prapai touched Sky's head slightly and said "Yes Sky, let's go upstairs."

"Why didn't you wake me up? How long am I sleeping?" He checked his watch and it was 8:12pm.

"You looked very adorable while sleeping. I didn't want to wake you." He touched Sky's hands affectionately.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

While they were having dinner Prapai asked "Can you ask me the questions you said you wanna know about me?"

"What is the hurry P'Pai? I am free for the next two months. We can take this slow. And I am also not sure about all this. I don't believe in love and soulmates. But as I promised I will give you a chance hence you are here."

Pai opened his mouth to say something, but Sky continued.

"Moreover you don't know me or anything about me. You just think that being soulmates will make life easier? It won't P'Pai."

'You won't even want to share the same space with me after you come to know about my past.' Sky thought.

"But you said you will let me pursue you. Let me convince you it's different when it's the soulmates. I want to know you, about your past, your present and would like to share your future. Please let me do it?" Pai looked at Sky with puppy eyes.

"You can tell me about yourself later, for now it's enough for me to be with you."

Sky looked at Prapai and thought, 'Is this person real?' He doesn't even care that I have a past. "I had a sexually active relationship with someone. And he also marked me."

Prapai's eyes went wide, his eyes fell on Sky's neck 'but there was no mark on his right neck where the mark should be' his eyes moved from his neck to his eye "confused". Sky understood his confusion and cleared his doubt. "Now the mark isn't there because he died. It's been a long time." Sky didn't mention the exact time because it was actually hard for him to recall all that all over again which he always wants to forget.

Pai's lips curved into a small smile. He said "because you were meant to be mine, we are born for each other. We can't be together if you are marked by someone else." He continued after a small pause. "I am sorry Sky that I feel happy and relaxed about that guy who already died, but I can't see you with someone, it will tear my heart into pieces."

"P'Pai tell me the truth, is it real that we are soulmates. As you know I can only be sure that we are soulmates after we mark each other but I know that you can know about it just after a kiss with me, this is so unfair, why? Even the nature gave us so few powers and so much power to the Alphas?"

"I don't know why it is like that but my mom and dad said, once a Alpha finds his omega its hard for them to stay apart, as you can see how much I am attracted to you, do you know last 4 night I came here every night just to see you enter you flat to make sure you are safe at your place, because without making that sure my heart will be restless. They said Alphas need to make all the efforts to make omega theirs."

"Rain also said the same thing." Sky said.

"You freshen up, I will arrange the dinner table. Let's have dinner now." While Sky was sleeping in the car Pai actually got their dinner delivered. Sky changed into a pink round t-shirt and black shorts.

They had dinner together and then went to sit on the sofa, Sky turned on the TV and put on some soft music and took a book from the table beside the sofa. Pai just sat beside Sky looking something into his phone, some work related email he needs to check and reply. Prapai was loving even the silence between them, he realized at some point of time Sky's back was leaning on Pai's and he stretched his legs on the sofa. Prapai felt the warmth his father was talking about when your soulmate was near you.

'Thump...' Pai looked up from his phone and saw Sky was already asleep on his shoulder and the book he was reading fell from his hand. He lifted Sky in his arms and took him to bed, as he was turning to go back to the sofa Sky's hand held his right hand.

"P'Pai are you leaving?" Sky said in a sleepy voice.

"I am going back to the sofa." Pai answered.

"" Sky said, pouting his lips and nodding his head sideways.

"Why are you so cute when you are sleepy and then push me away when you are awake? Do you understand how hard it is for me to stay away from you?". Sky dragged Pai towards himself and said "Sleep with me. I want to hug you. I don't get nightmares when I sleep with you and I haven't slept in the last 5-6 nights."

'He will be the death of me' Pai thought. He lay down beside Sky, and Sky jumped on Pai and held him tight and snuggled between his neck and shoulder, took a sniff and licked his neck.

" you are planning to kill me right?"

'I am not going to give up on you Sky just because you are sometimes rude to me and try to push me away, because I know you want me, and I need you like I need oxygen.'

They slept hugging each other.

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