Laws of attraction

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Sky is having nightmares almost every night now. Less sleep and stress made him end up in the hospital. But we don't need to worry about Sky as Prapai is there to take care of his baby.

Sky was just 15 years old when he was sent to Bangkok for studies. His father was very busy with his work and was unable to take care of Sky. He was sent to one of the very good schools in Bangkok with residential facilities. He, being a meritorious student, got into the school with a scholarship on tuition fees. Even though he was an introvert, being a good student made people interested in him. They tried to befriend him. Sky was lonely in the big city with no one to interact with. He accepted all kinds of friendship he was getting. His bunch of new friends told him to accompany them to a new place they found. Sky, a naive kid from a small town went with them without even asking about it. After reaching there he realized it was full of people and music all around. He felt weird at first but then he brushed off that feeling. 'It's ok Sky, big city, new thing, we need to get used to all this.' He started going there everyday after school with his friends. He learnt how to smoke and drink with the acquaintances he made there. One of the guys they met in the club started showing interest in Sky. Gun, he was 23 years old at that time, son of the owner of the club they frequented. When an older guy shows interest Sky, like every other teenager, starts liking the attention he was getting. He felt special. He felt wanted. And everything was going really good in the start. Gun was giving him all the attention he could. Taking him on dates to Rivercruise, dinners, movies. Sky just had to look in the direction of something he wanted and Gun would go buy it for him. It was amazing. After 2 months of dating, Gun started talking about intimate moments. Everything was new to sky but whenever Gun used to touch him on his sensitive body parts Sky would feel butterflies in his stomach. It was a new feeling for Sky. He was getting attracted to all of that. On Saturday evening Gun took Sky to his room, convinced him to stay the night with him. Sky, being deeply in love with him, agreed instantly. Gun showed him the sex toys he used to satisfy himself. Told him he also wanted to try all that on Sky. Sky felt a bit of fear in his mind but he was blindly in love and too young to understand all of those toys. Gun had rough sex with Sky, though it was his first time. It hurt a lot. Sky's body wasn't used to all of that. He almost fainted from exhaustion. He dozed off within minutes after their sex. When he woke up he realized he was tied with the bed headboard with the toys Gun showed him the previous day. It was early in the morning and Sky was on the bed tied and naked. He felt ashamed, but found no one in the room. He started moving trying to get himself free of the bandage. He shaked his body as much as possible.

He abruptly opened his eyes drenched in sweat, realized it was all in his dream and those horror were just his nightmares, it was all in the past. He sat up, leaned on the headboard and started crying. After crying for God knows how long Sky's tears started to dry up. He got up from his bed to get a cold shower. After the bath he had to change his bedsheets as it was all drenched in his sweat. He went to bed trying, checked his phone for time, it was just 2:59am in the morning. Sky had to go to the office the next day. He tried to sleep but as soon as he was slowly diving into the slumber he could hear Gun's laughter. What can be scarier than listening to the laughter of a dead person who was a living nightmare in his life. Sky tossed and turned in his bed till 4:00am. He thought maybe a little exercise will help him get tired. He went out for a run in the park near his place. He ran for 2 hours still sleep wasn't coming his way. He was extremely exhausted from the two hours of exercise. He went back home. Thought of getting freshened up to go for breakfast after 7. He went to his room and sat on the bed and passed out. When he woke up from a call from his father he woke up and realized it was raining in Bangkok after he came back from the park and It was already 9:15am. 'HE WAS LATE FOR OFFICE'. Office was just 15 minutes walk from his place. But he needed to at least take a bath as he exercised 2 hours in the morning. He was hungry too, and exhausted. But food can wait. He needs to reach the office first. Sky reached office around 10, almost half an hour late. He was hungry, exhausted and had an extreme headache when he reached his department's gate. He saw his manager looking at him and saying something. And suddenly he wasn't able to stand properly, his legs gave up. He started falling expecting to hit the ground hard but suddenly a pair of arms held him before he touched the ground. 'It's P'Pai' he thought. He never called him P'Pai on his face as Prapai always insisted him to. And it's all black after that.

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