Calm before the storm

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Labor was really hard for Sky, but Prapai was there for him throughout the process. But in the end they couldn't do what Sky wanted. He wanted natural birth but the baby was premature, and Sky's health was at risk.

After 1 hour of operation finally the light in front of the operation theater turned off. Prapai felt like he breathed after so long. The Doctor came out.

"Mr Soikhom, you have a daughter. We need to keep her in the incubator for a few days for observation. You can visit the NICU to see her."

"And my Sky? How is he doing?"

"He is fine, still drowsy from the anesthesia, you can meet him in 15 mins in his room."

"Sure thanks."

Prapai was feeling guilty for not asking about their daughter more but his Sky came first, Sky was his priority and always will be. He couldn't concentrate on anything except Sky right now. As soon as he was allowed to see Sky. He went near him, held his hands.

"Baby, are you feeling ok? Do you want something?"

Sky was drowsy but he still tried to hold back Prapai's hands, but couldn't say anything yet he answered using his eyes.

"Baby take rest, I am here with you." Sky dozed off.


Sky opened his eyes, Prapai was sleeping. His head was down on the bed and Pai's right hand was holding Sky's left hand. Sky removed his hand from Pai's and caressed his hair. Pai woke up immediately.

"Sorry P'Pai I woke you up."

Prapai still needed some support to move but he moved near Sky, caressed his head and placed a kiss on Sky's head. "I was waiting for you to wake up, do you feel better?"

"Yes P'Pai. Did you see her?"


Sky gave a confused look to Prapai "Our daughter?"

"Ah. No baby I was so worried about you It just.... I just... I mean, I couldn't leave you alone."

"You don't love her? You don't love our daughter?" Sky always thought Prapai will accept her immediately but he never thought Prapai will neglect her like this. It hurt. Sky had tears in his eyes.

"Do you think she is not yours?" Sky asked.

"What? No Baby, are you... Do you think I will doubt you? Never Sky. I was so worried for you. I am sorry Sky, Please don't cry. My heart hurts when I see your tears. Please baby, Sorry." Prapai held Sky's face in his hand and kissed all the tears aways and kissed his forehead and then his eyes.

Knock, knock....

Doctor came inside the room. Followed by Phayu and rain.

"Oh Sky, how are you?" Rain ran towards him.

The doctor came to Prapai and shook his hands. "Both your partner and daughter are fighters. Even though she is premature, we do not need to keep her in the NICU. All her vitals are perfect. A nurse is bringing her here. A nurse entered the room and gave their daughter to Prapai.

As soon as he saw her face, he felt a deep urge to protect her. Like his Alpha is saying she is mine, protect her. He doubted his earlier thought of not loving anyone else as much as Sky. He is definitely gonna love this doll as much as Sky or maybe more than Sky. He looked at his omega, he was smiling at Prapai.

"She has your eyes Sky" Prapai said

"But she has your smile P'Pai. It's Autumn," Sky said.

She yawned at Prapai and held his shirt in her small fist and closed her eyes as if she was sleepy.

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