The Question

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Today was the first day I'd be picking Felix up for school. I didn't mind waking up a couple minutes early since that meant he could sleep in longer.

When he opened his front door, my heart fluttered. Not only did he have on more of the new clothes I bought him, but he could hardly keep his eyes open while he walked sluggishly to my car. After getting in, he leaned on my shoulder and held onto my arm to go back to sleep.

"Good morning." I smiled. Instead of responding, he rubbed his cheek against me. "I figured you'd be tired so I got you something." He hummed softly to let me know he heard me. "Here." I wasn't sure what kind of coffee he drank so I got him an extra sweet iced caramel latte. He seemed the type to enjoy super sugary things so I figured this was a safe option.

He sat up slowly and held the cup with two hands. It's not even that big, but he's really just that tiny. "Thank you." Once he took his first sip, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Is it good?"

"Mhmm." He nodded happily.

I stared at him fondly, in awe that this person had chosen to fall in love with me. My little Felix. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else.

While driving us to school, I made sure to keep my hand on his thigh the way he liked. Scaring him yesterday was painful; I never want him to think I'd leave him. Which leads me to my plan.

I put a lot of thought into it and I know how I feel. I'm not on the same page as Felix yet, but I want to be. I can see myself falling in love with him in the future. Which is why I've decided to ask him out to be my boyfriend.

I've never felt this way about anyone before. I tried so hard to convince myself that it was nothing, but I couldn't ignore it anymore. Felix is so beautiful, I just love everything about him. He's perfect for me. All this time I thought I should be with someone that's crazy and wild, but that's not at all what I needed. Felix is kind, hardworking, smart, understanding, and caring. He accepts all my flaws and never judges, he's always grateful for the smallest things, and he makes me happy.

"Lixie." Before letting him answer, I kissed him. I just couldn't get enough even though we were at school.


"I wanna take you on a date tonight."

"Really?" He beamed, squeezing me tightly.

"Yeah, I wanna take you somewhere nice."

" nice?"

"As nice as you deserve." He started to blush and hid his face in my chest. "Look at me." I gently lifted his chin just so I could get lost in his beautiful, brown eyes and stare at his freckles. "You're pretty."

The bell rang and it was time to go to class. One of these days, I'm just going to skip and bring Felix along with me so we can explore Seoul together. I'd travel the world with him too if I could. That's also why I've decided that I'll take him to Japan for his birthday. If anyone deserves a vacation, it's him.

"A date, huh?" Just when I thought Wooyoung wasn't eavesdropping. I'm just glad he decided to talk after Felix left my locker. "This one sounds special."

"That would be because it is."

He gasped, covering his mouth. "Wait, don't tell're going to ask him to be your boyfriend tonight, aren't you."

I nodded and started to laugh at how excited I was. "I have everything all picked out too."

"That's so cute." He adoringly pouted his lips. "Sannie, don't look so mad." He whacked his boyfriend. "Be happy for him."

"I'm trying." San groaned. It was obvious he was only putting an effort in for Wooyoung's sake.

"Is the bet thing still bothering you?" I sighed, already knowing that was the reason.

"Pretty much. I'm not intentionally trying to be rude, but there's no other way to say this; I believe your intentions are genuine now, I believe you like Felix as much as it seems...but everything is literally based on a lie. I mean, doesn't that make you feel sick to your stomach?"

"Choi San, shut up." Wooyoung grit through his teeth and pushed him.

"No, I get it," I said with a sad expression. "The guilt literally eats me up inside every day."

"And you're just going to bring that into a new relationship?"

Having a conversation like this with Jisung is one thing, but it's another to have it with San. I respect him greatly even though he isn't the biggest fan of me. He takes care of Wooyoung and loves him with all his heart, so to me, that's all that matters. I know how much he cherishes love and intimacy. It's not something to just mess around with in his eyes. That's the way an adult should think, meaning I know I act a bit like a child.

"Either I do or I don't get to be with Felix at all. I know I don't deserve him in the first place, I get it. But I want this so badly." I was desperate for him to see that I was being sincere. I don't need his support, but his understanding would be appreciated. "Felix told me he was falling in love with me last night," I confessed. San's face softened, knowing just how serious this was now. "I told him I feel the same."

"And do you? Or is this just a part of the bet?"

"I told you, the bet has been done. Minho and I never should've done something like that. But at the same time, we never would've met Felix and Jisung if we hadn't done it."

"That's true." Wooyoung nodded. "So you're saying you're falling in love with him?"

"I think I might be." I shrugged. "San, when did you know you were in love with Wooyoung?"

"First day I met him."

"Well." I started to laugh after receiving an answer that didn't help my case.

"The moment will come," San assured. "I can see it when you look at him, it's there. It'll hit you like a ton of bricks."

"Maybe tonight might just be it."

Betting On A Boy // HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now