Radiant_day x sick!male reader

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It was raining outside and I was in my bed covered in my blanket. I was sick and no one was here to help me so I grabbed my phone and texted a few of my friends to take care of me. Some of them replied with "I'm busy" or "I can't help you" except there was one text that said "I will help you!" And that person who texted me was none other than [OPERATIVE] Radiant_day. He texted me that he will be coming here in a minute or two so I waited, and waited.

Time: 4:23

Radiant's POV:

I was so happy that Y/n himself let me take care of him! I quickly grabbed my umbrella and headed out of my house. When i got there it started raining heavily as I knocked on Y/n's door.


Y/n's POV:

I heard Radiant_day screaming at the top of his lungs outside so I went out of bed lazily and headed towards the entrance door. I opened it and saw Radiant_day, I let him enter as he puts his umbrella at the side of the door. He then hugged me and it felt like I was hugging a darn pillow.

I coughed

He then let go of me and set me on the couch

Radiant's POV:

"Are you alright? Did I hug you that hard?
I said, as I stroke his hair gently

"Yeah, I'm okay...It's just, my nose is stuffy and my head it's like it's going to explode."

We both we're silent for a couple of minutes but just then, the silent broke from Y/N's sneeze and cough

"Y/N, I think you should take a nap..."
I wrap my arms around him and we both lay down on the couch

He kept saying that he doesn't need to take a nap but I ignored him. After a while, he eventually gave up and I smiled at him gently as I kiss he little forehead lightly. He then closed his eyes slowly and slept. Fuck... he's so cute when he's asleep....
I wonder what he would do if I just kidnapped him and made him mine forever?.... He'll be soooo... Helpless....

Word count: 386

I'm going to promise you all that I'm gonna make loads of stories. 👍

-- Eddison

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