Valentines day!! (Special n' short;3)

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I only include Unstable, Radiant, Benevolent and Placid cuz i cant do all🥲

Unstable_day: HAPPY [VALENTINES] DAY, Y/N!!!!
Unstable shouted at the other, giving him a red rose aggressively.

Y/n: Happy Valentines-
The boy was cut off when the Radiant operative hugged him from behind.

Radiant_day: Happy [VALENTINES], dear~
He nuzzled his nose on the boy's back.

Y/n: oh...mnhf...yeah....
Benevolent_day: Lookie here, Y/n! I made you [CHOCOLATE] cupcakes with red [SPRINKLES] on it!
He shows it to the other, Y/n instantly takes it.

Y/n: Oh, thank you [OPERATIVE] Benevolent_day.......

Unstable_day: WHAT YOU GET FOR [US] Y/N???
everyone went silent, Even Unstable.

Y/n: Oh, I didnt ....get you anything-.....

Radiant_day: *giggle* It's alright, darling!
Placid_day: What [MATTERS] to [US] is that youre safe...
All the operatives nodded.

(i do not know what to write anymore)

Benevolent giggles, and cups Y/n's face.
Y/n: What the-
Benevolent_day: You're such a cute little [PUMPKIN] when you're a blushing mess, sweetheart~

Y/n: IM NOT.

Radiant_day: Yes, yah' are!
He hugs you tighter.

Unstable_day: CAN [WE] GO TO UR HOUSE?

Y/N: yeah, sure.

they all go to yns house and blah blh blah they cuddle and snuggle<//3 the end


its literally like 12am and my tablet's battery is fricking 7% so this wasin a rush thats why:)

word count 187

~ Eddison

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