Yandere!Scary_day x male reader

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Okay so this includes; gore, blood



Time: 6:10 PM
Y/n's POV:

It was getting pretty dark outside and I was walking in a strange alleyway. The alleyway was pretty smelly and gross, I also spotted a dead body beside a trash can! I saw its chest completely torn and his head bleeding, I WAS HORRIFIED OFCOURSE!
But it was the only shortcut to get back to my house. All of a sudden, I heard a heavy footstep coming towards me in my back. I quickly turned around and saw.........

[OPERATIVE] Scary_day.

"Greetings, dear [CIVILIAN]. What brings you here in this [NASTY] alleyway?"
He looked at me and it almost felt like he was scanning every part of my body.

"Uhm, I am going to my h-house."
I was shivering a little as I saw that he had a knife on his left pocket.

"Well, good luck finding your way back home."
He then disappeared in the darkness.

Time: 6:22 PM

I finally made it back to my tiny home. Somehow, one of my windows are broken. I don't know how, was there an animal that broke threw? Or a person?
I was concerned and didn't know what to do. So I quickly set my jacket on the rake and ran straight towards my bedroom.

WHAT THE HELL?! My bedroom was untidy, my bed was disheveled, and my closet was MESSY. I remember my room was clean and well-kept. I saw something white and square on my desk and opened it. IT WAS A LOVE LETTER!

It said:

love you, I love you, I love you! Please marry me! I want to be your husband!

From: ????


Who the heck sent me this?!?


Why was that person so hot?!? No, no, no.... I can't be falling in love with a small guy... I just can't.... No, I gotta love him and kill the people who TRIES TO TAKE HIM AWAY.

(Boom shakalaka)

Time: 5:43
Still Scary_day's pov


was following Y/n in the park and he looked handsome as always. I noticed that he stood up from the bench and straightened his posture then started to walk away. I was curious on where he was going so I followed him from afar.

He went to a little cafe and walked in it. I saw him sit down in one of the tables nearby the window, I quickly ran up to him and sat beside him.

"O-oh, hey, there! We've met yesterday, right?"

"Yes, we met on that [NASTY] alleyway."

"Yeah, right...."

The waiter then came and asked what we would like to order. Dear Y/n ordered himself pancakes while I ordered myself some coffee.

We've waited for 20 minutes now and it's starting to get pretty boring. I was tapping my index finger on the table as I stared at Y/n lustfully. He didn't suspect it though, he was on his phone playing games. I chuckled lightly and right before I was about to say something, the waiter came with our food. Y/n set his phone down as I started to drink my coffee. It was very hot, and I wanted to impress Y/n that I can drink the whole coffee while it was hot. He saw me drink it all and looked concerned.

"S-..scary, you should be careful-...that- that's very hot and it would likely burn your tongue!"

I didn't listen, I drank the whole coffee and placed it on the table while wiping my mouth.
"It was not that hot."

I saw y/n's face and it kinda looked like he was impressed!
(He was not.)

He then went back to eating his pancake as I stared at him and watched every move of his.

TIME: 6:27

Later on, we finished eating and left the place. I asked him if he would follow me again and he said "yes". Why? I don't know, maybe he'll scare me like as his name states. We went to the alleyway again, I noticed thagt his eyes we're laid on me the whole time and it was shaped like....hearts? Tbh, I don't know... It looked like a heart...   Or a butt.
Anyways, we we're in the middle of the alleyway, he felt the urge to pin me on a wall so he did..

"Wh-what the heck?! [OPERATIVE] Scary_day, LET GO OF ME!"
I struggled and struggled, trying to get my way out of here but frankly, he was just too strong.

"NO, I will not let you go."

I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with a ball gag (i think that was the name)


"Stop that, or I'll rip your [MOUTH] out."
His grip tightened on me as I start crying.

He tried to calm me down since he was getting too annoyed at this point, hence he bit my neck and i started moaning in pain. I saw the blood dripping down to my collarbone while he just stares at me lustfully. He stopped biting my neck and I stopped moaning. He took off the ball gag on my mouth and threw it on the floor

"Heh...you look so cute when you have no one to help you..."
His grin widened

"Let me go!!"

"Fine...but only if you say you love me."

I sighed
"I....love you."

He smiled more and planted a rough kiss on my lips and let go of me.

"Don't forget that I'll be watching you from time to time..."
He then disappeared in the darkness.

What was wrong with that guy?! Whatever, I'll just head back home.......

TBC [To be continued...]

Word count: 967

Anyways, bye;)

-- Eddison

The Days Union x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now