Great_day x male reader

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I was sick while makfing this

Since its not yet valentines day, heres a heart 4 u! <3

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Since its not yet valentines day, heres a heart 4 u! <3

Drawing not mine

This is also one of my favorite songs lel



I've been living in the streets for awhile now after I was kicked out of my apartment. I've also been stealing some food when no one was looking, but nonetheless, everything is so BOORRRIING. *Sniff sniff* why is it so stinky in this alleyway? Oh, right...It's an alleyway. *Sigh*
Just then, I heard some footsteps coming towards me. I hid behind a small dumpster but then suddenly, I slipped and fell to the ground. MY BAAAAAACCCKKKK OOWWWWWW. The person who ws coming towards heard it. It was.....

[OPERATIVE] Emotionless_day.

He lended me a hand and helped me get up
"Greetings, [IDENTITY] Y/n"

How did he know my name


He-hello, sir."
I fiddled my fingers

"I need you to follow me"
What. But why



He nodded and led me to a fancy ahh car. We both went in the car then he drove me to a creepy, dark forest which leads to a small cabin. What are we doing here again? I don' know. We got out off the car and then walked to the cabin. In there was....kinda cozy and warm, but the smell?EW. IT SMELLED LIKE BLOOD AND ORGANS!!

*Sniff sniff sniff sniff*
"What's that smell over there?"
I pointed at where the smell was coming

"Don't question dumb things."
Oh. Fine.

He led me to another room and locked me in there. It was a bit dark so I turned on the lights, then saw, [SUPREME LEADER] Great_day sitting on a big chair and resting his hands on the table.
Am I going to be interrogated?

Yes maybe.

"Please sit on one of the chairs."

As I sit down on a chair I saw him grab a clipboard and a pen

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As I sit down on a chair I saw him grab a clipboard and a pen.

"I have a few questions to ask you before we get to our little game~

I nod

He asked me some personal and random questions like Where I live or what my favorite color is. There was one question he asked me

"Do you like cuddles?"

"Uhm what-"

"I asked if you liked cuddles."

"Uhm, yeah!"

"Well then, It's gonna be a long night for the two of us~."
He murmured that to himself but I couldn't hear it


He got off his seat and walked towards me
"This will be over soon, just please don't shout."

He was so close to my face that he could just kiss me
"What are you doing--"
He kissed my forehead
He then started caressing my hair and smelling it.(😟)
I tried to run but he had his grip on me. He started kissing my neck and sucking it.


Moments later my neck started hurting but thank the lords he finally stopped
"It wasn't that bad, right?"
He chuckles, wiping the blood from his mouth


He chuckled more
"You will be staying with me from now on."
He grabbed my waist and pulled me to his lap

"But since we still have some time, lets have some fun, shall we?"


Emotionless_day's pov:

I was guarding the door where Y/n and [SUPREME LEADER] great_day was in. After a few minutes, I heard some sounds. Like weird sounds. Should i go in?...or... Should I just leave them be?..... I'll just leave them be.

Word count: 597

Heheehe my writing sucks;_;
- Eddison

The Days Union x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now