Unpredictable_day x male reader x unstable_day

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Contains: a bit of arguing, swearing, some jealousy LOLOLL


Noone's pov:

Y/n's living situation was quite unique. He shared an apartment with two roommates - Unstable_day and Unpredictable_day. Unstable_day was diagnosed with ADHD and would always use caps in every sentence while Unpredictable_day suffered from bipolar disorder. Despite their difficulties, both Unstable_day and Unpredictable_day found Y/n attractive and often sought his company. Sometimes, they both would even argue and both cling onto Y/n, demanding attention and validation. Although the setup could be challenging at times, Y/n knew that he could rely on his roommates in times of need.

"Y/N MINE!!"
Unstable_day shouted at the bipolar person. "Shut the f*ck up, Unstable. We clearly all know that Y/n loves me more--" Y/n had had enough of Unstable_day and Unpredictable_day's constant arguing. "ENOUGH, YOU TWO!" Y/n said, hands on his hips. "I hate it. I hate hearing the two of you fight like that. It drives me crazy!"

Unstable_day clung tightly to Y/n, his eyes wide and pleading. "Y/N, PLS DON'T GIVE UNPREDICTABLE A CHANCE!! HE MEAN."

Unpredictable_day crossed his arms, scowling. "Why do you even like Unstable? He's sooo annoying."

Y/n was caught in the middle, feeling conflicted. On one hand, he loved both of his roommates equally, but on the other, their constant arguing was starting to take a toll.

"I love you both equally," Y/n said firmly. "That's it. I can't choose one over the other."
As Y/n tried to calm both Unstable_day and Unpredictable_day down, they began to bicker even more. Their constant arguing was starting to impact Y/n's ability to focus and get work done. Finally, Y/n had enough.

"ENOUGH!" Y/n shouted, interrupting the argument. "I've had enough of this. I'm sick and tired of trying to keep the peace between the two of you. You're making this apartment a sh!tty and miserable place to live in."

Unstable_day and Unpredictable_day looked up at Y/n, surprised by his sudden outburst.
"Y/n..." Upredictablr_day started, but Y/n held up a hand to silence him.

"No, I'm done. I can't deal with this bullsh!t anymore. Either you two start getting along and stop arguing all the time, or one of you needs to move out."

Neither of both of them had expected Y/n to be so firm, but they knew that they needed to do something to change their behavior before Y/n took further action. "WE'RE SORRY Y/N...."
Unstable emotionally apologized to him. Y/n sighed. "It's fine, I guess." He invited them both into a warm hug. "Now, why don't we buy ice cream?"
Unpredictable_day and Unstable_day smiled and excitedly said, "YES!!"
as Y/n chuckled. The three of them then went outside to buy ice cream.

Unpredictable_day's pov:

Once we got ice cream from the park, we went inside our little residence and we sat on the couch and had a little conversation. Unstable_day was cuddling with Y/n on the other side of the couch. I looked on, feeling a twang of jealousy rising within themselves. Why did Unstable_day always get to be the one cuddling with Y/n while I was left out? Just because Unstable_day had ADHD didn't mean that he should be monopolizing Y/n's attention.
I cleared my throat and spoke up. "Um, hey guys. What are you doing?"

Y/n looked up from his ice cream, catching my eye. "Just chilling, why?"
"I want to join too..."
"Then join us!"
He suggested
There was a smile plastered onto my face. As we snuggled up on the couch, time seemed to fly by. Before we knew it, an hour had passed, and realized that me and Unstable had work to do.
"Okay, it's time to get going," I said, rising from the couch. "The [SUPREME LEADER] told us to be at work an hour ago."
Y/n kissed Unstable_day's cheek and said, "Bye, I'll see you after work."

I smiled and gave Y/n a hug before me and Unstable headed out.


Word count: 700


The Days Union x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now