I am not fine

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Hello, it's Writer Eddi/Eddison here! I hope you guys are doing well!:) I have bad news:(

Unfortunately, I'm going to take a break on doing TDU and TNC x male reader. Or anything that relates to TDU AND TNC (no I am not quitting.)

Probably like a couple of months.-.

Because I have been a little depressed lately, I always think to myself that I am not good enough and I need to move on, but I can't. I always thought I was useless or always in need of help so I have to take a little break from Wattpad and focus more on to real life and my future.

I hope no one Feels useless like me because I'd be sadder if someone sees themselves unworthy. Do not be worried, cuz I'll come back:> 

I hate explaining- and....thanks for readin!

If you want to ask question then feel free to comment.

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