drunk!Radiant_day X male reader

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Yall be ready cuz things r 'bout to get spicy☺️☺️🥰🥱
CONTAINS: Sxual content

I also had a friend of mine who helped me write this story!:d



The sun was setting and casting a warm glow on my surroundings. In the distance, I could see the trees dancing and the people who we're walking around the park. I sat on the bench, my guitar on my lap, and began to strum the strings.

A sweet melody escaped the guitar and filled the air. It was almost otherworldly, like a song one would hear in a dream. As I played, I felt at peace, and time seemed to stand still. My fingers effortlessly glided across the fretboard, and the melody only grew prettier and more soothing.

I continued to play for what seemed like forever, lost in the music. Then, as I struck a final chord, I heard footsteps approaching.

"That was beautiful," a voice said from beside me. It was y/n, the person I loved the most. "You're so good at playing the guitar, Radiant_day!."

I smiled back at y/n, feeling grateful that he appreciated my music as much as I did. For a moment, we sat in silence, listening to the gentle rustling of the trees.

In that moment, I felt more alive than ever before. The world might have been filled with chaos and uncertainty, but in my own small corner of it, I was content. It was like having a piece of the heavens right here on Earth.

"[OPERATIVE] Radiant_day,"
I quickly turned my head towards my beloved who spoke in a calm yet serious tone

"Yes, sweetheart?~"

"We haven't been in touch for awhile now, don't you think?"
He asked me, I tapped my finger on my chin, thinking and counting the days we haven't contacted ecahother.
"Yeah, It has been awhile! Would you like to hang out today?"
He nodded and pulled me out of the bench.
He guided me towards a local club where loud music and the sounds of people talking and laughing filled the air. People were moving about, some dancing, some singing, and some just sitting and enjoying the atmosphere. The place was filled with a sense of excitement and energy. Y/N led me to a large couch in a quiet corner, where we sat and ordered ourselves a glass of wine.

Y/N reached for his glass of wine and took a long, satisfying gulp, the liquid sliding down his throat and releasing a rich, earthy flavor into his mouth. He set the glass back on the table with a satisfied sigh, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"How have you been?"

"O-oh, me? Well, I've been alright."
I look at him, also drinking my glass. He nodded.

We chatted for a little while, before getting a tad bit drunk


The more time passed, the more drinks that piled up on the table in front of Radiant. As the night progressed, his eyes grew heavier, his speech became more slurred, and his movements became more erratic. He swayed drunkenly in his chair as he reached for yet another drink, his body clearly struggling to keep up with the amount of alcohol he was consuming. His speech became jumbled, and his voice raised in volume as he tried to continue the conversation with his special someone, his voice growing louder and more nonsensical with each passing moment.
"Hey, Radiant_day. I think you should stop for awhile-"
Y/n, who was sitting besides the drunken man just watching his every move suggested to him.

"Whhaaat? But *hic* why, dearie?~"
[OPERATIVE] Radiant_day slurred out his words to the other.
"Because, you have had enough drinks and you're getting even more drunk!"
He put a finger on Y/n's mouth, shushing him.

"*Laugh, you worry too much. I love you~ *HIC*"
He boops the others nose. Y/n blushed.

"Let's go find a private room where you can stay in..."
As Radiant began to falter, Y/N was immediately at his side, offering support and guidance. With gentle hands, Y/N managed to help Radiant to his feet, guiding him to a private corner of the room where he could rest. As they entered the secluded space, Y/N gently lowered Radiant_day onto the corner of the sofa, where he could lay back and let the alcohol's effect dissipate. Y/N stood nearby, watching over Radiant_day with a caring expression, ready to offer assistance if needed.

[OPERATIVE] Radiant_day muttered to his lover

"Huh? What?"

"I want a little kissy~"




They both kiss
(Im getting tired;_;)

Y/n's pov:

As time progressed, the atmosphere between us grew increasingly intimate. My once-neat hair now cascaded messily around my face, and the carefully chosen attire I had adorned appeared disheveled. Radiant, my partner, passionately held me close, leaving a trail of affectionate marks on my neck and collarbone while showering kisses across my body. In the midst of our ardor, his hands explored intimately, and I found myself lost in the heat of the moment, with little time to compose myself.

He was going lower and lower until he reached my private part. He groped it and I moaned. (I dont even know what i just wrote😟😟)

"Aaahk!!~ Radiant!~"

"Whaaat? *Hic*"

( He started undressing himself and u too💀☠️ )

"Th-that...actually felt...quite nice..."


Hmph gmph. I'm glad you're feeling the pleasure~ *HIC*"

He pulled me close, and together we began a rhythm of movement. He held me as I breathed, sighed and prepared for my mind and body for complete surrender. Feeling him thrust inside me, felt so GOOD. But it was so tiring. He was getting aggressive every second.

"*pant pant* Enough ...please.."

"Hm?..but baby~, I thought you liked- *HIC* it~... You said it felt good~"

"Y-yes, radiant! But...I can't handle it..."

My partner, Radiant_day, looked around for a moment then back at me with those seductive eyes of his
"Fine...we can rest...
As his soft lips brushed against the nape of my neck, a shiver ran down my spine. His soft, warm breath tickling my skin, I felt a sudden wave of desire wash over me. He nuzzled my neck again, sending shivers down my spine.

Then suddenly, a random  worker from the club came in the secluded room seeing me and [OPERATIVE] Radiant_day together in that corner. Naked.


My beloved exclaimed to the worker

My goofy ass trying not to laugh.


I hope you guys understood what i just wrote cuz i dont 😟

Anyways, more stories coming out soon!

Word count: 1136

The Days Union x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now