Chapter 2

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Shinobu Kocho's POV

God why didn't the alarm work this time?!

I rushed to the cafe, I was already late! I was getting close by and saw a lot of people gathering around, what's so special this time? The more I got closer to the cafe, the more people, are we having a lot of customers today?

"Hey, kid! This is a crime scene, you can't enter!" a cop called out

Crime scene? I work here! Wait... Did something happen here?

"Kocho! Didn't you see the message? Or the news?" I turned to Ashlyn walk towards me. I shook my head responding no
"Our manager... He was murdered, it happened around 1 a.m. last night..."

1 a.m? The knife... The man killed our manager! I should hand over the knife! And the money... It will help them catch the murderer right?!

"Ashlyn I-"

What was stopping me? Why can't I speak? Not a single word left my mouth, but why? WHY?! Why am I included in this crime?! What does he have to do with me?!

"I-I need to go" I ran away from the crowd, once again I didn't know where I was running to, my feet took control again... I was crying... Tears ran down my cheek knowing that I was somehow included in this. What did I do wrong?!

I got tired and stopped, where am I? What is this place?

"Do you plan to stop running?"

That voice... That deep voice... It's him... The guy from yesterday! I should be scared, and worried, and I should have started running again, but I did not... A part of me was happy to see him... A part of me was happy to see the criminal

"I got lost in the kiss and left the knife and cash in your bag, I believe that you have noticed it"

Did he get lost in the kiss? What does he mean by that? Did he like it?

I felt my head and heart speaking to me... I should run...I should run to the cops! Quick!

But my heart wants to stay and give his belongings back to him... And gain his trust...

Why do I need his trust? Why do I need the criminal's trust? Why am I craving for a criminal's kiss? Why?

"I-I don't have it right now... It's... Back at my apartment"

I felt him walk towards me, he wasn't in a rush, but I was... I want him closer to me...

"Do you expect me to believe that? And you must have seen my face, it's dangerous to keep you on the loose"

What? Is he gonna kill me too? What is wrong with me? Run!

"Don't even think about it, I could kill you right now but I wasn't ordered to"

Giyuu Tomioka's POV

What choice did I have? She saw my face so I had to lock her up. And now, with the permission of the Master, we could execute her

"May I come in Master?"

"Good Afternoon Giyuu, what brings you here?"

"Good Afternoon Master, I had to reveal my identity to a girl to escape from the cop, with your permission, we could execute her"

He did not have any change from his pleasant expression, he never does...

"Are you going to execute someone for your mistake?" my mistake? How is it my mistake? "You revealed your identity to an innocent, and you want to execute her?"

"I agree that it is my mistake Master, but it's dangerous to leave her on loose... At least for me"

"I understand Giyuu, but I don't want her to suffer for something she has nothing to do with, keep her within the boundaries, make sure that she is comfortable" This made no sense... But neither do I want to go against Master's order so be it

"Yes Master" I bowed at him and left the room, what have I gotten myself into? I am in control of her...

I walked into the cell to see the girl tied up, her hands were chained and a cloth in her mouth and she was blinded. Tears kept rolling down her cheek and yes, the blindfold was wet

"What the fuck were you even doing that night all alone?" I cursed, she tried to get loose but failed, I remembered that the Master wanted her 'comfortable', and she was 100% not comfortable like this so what should I do? Move her into one of the rooms?

I took the cloth piece out of her mouth and unblinded her

Shinobu Kocho's POV

The cloth in my mouth was taken out and soon the blindfold, I opened my eyes but it was all a blur, my eyes were filled with tears... But I saw a man in front of me... Is that him?

"What? Don't pretend like you've never seen me" it was him... That deep voice of his... God... He is hot...

Author's Note

Merry Christmas you guyssssss
I don't think many are going to see this since it's a new book-

But anyway, enjoy your day and thanks for reading ✨✨

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