Chapter 8

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Giyuu Tomioka's POV

I walked into the old building believing that this was where Kocho was held. Even though it was afternoon, it was pitch dark in here

Walking further I heard soft sobs... Of a girl... That must be her...


I yelled and abruptly the cries stopped... Is she in danger? Is she already on the verge of death...?

It was hard to identify her location as her sound was no longer heard... Almost like she didn't want to be found...

"Kocho can you hear me?!"

No response...

I ran further into the building and found someone sitting at the corner... It must be her... It is her...

I walked closer to the figure slowly trying not to trigger her...


I bent down on my knees to get a closer look at her but she had her face lowered and her bangs falling on her face... She wasn't hurt... Surprisingly...

"Are you hurt?"

She still refused to respond and I was running impatient... I gradually took my hands to her face and moved her bangs

She was crying... Crying badly...

"They're gone..." I heard her soft muttering as more tears ran down her cheeks...

It hurts to see her like this...

But why...?

"We need to get out of here, come on" I stood up expecting her to do the same but she didn't

What the heck was the planning? To rot here?!

She didn't even move a single muscle... Did she make up her mind to stay here? What did she mean when she said 'They're gone'?



She passed out... She won't come with me if I wake her up so there is only one way... Gotta carry her back...

A few hours later

Shinobu Kocho's POV


"Her wrists are red... She probably had her hands tied brutally"

"Her eyes are also puffy! She probably cried a lot!"

I woke up to many different voices... It was like I fainted in the middle of the road and everyone was checking on me.... But it doesn't matter... Nothing matters... They killed them... But why?

I couldn't open my eyes but I felt tears running down my cheeks... Only to get soft hands to wipe them off...

I wanna go home but... They destroyed it...

I felt someone caressing my cheeks as I slowly opened my eyes to see myself being surrounded by the gang... How did I get here..?

"You're awake..."

"Are you alright?? You were crying!"

"What happened? Did someone hurt you?"

I still couldn't move a muscle but it was comforting to see that some cared... Even though I'm their prisoner...

Mitsuri brought me a glass of water but I couldn't move my hand. It was numb...

"What happened?"

"My... Sisters are gone... " I muttered... There were a lot of things I wanted to say... To yell but I couldn't... A lot of feelings to let out but none came out...

"...what happened to your sisters...?"


"Maybe we should give her some time..."

"Yeah, we probably should..."

With that, many left the room but I still could feel a hand caressing my cheek...

My throat felt dry so I had to get up to drink the water Mitsuri brought me

Even though my vision wasn't completely clear, it was clear that it was Tomioka who was beside me, he held the glass and brought it to my lips

I took a few sips and moved my head back indicating that I was done


"How are you feeling?"

I didn't talk back but nodded my head

"...Did they hurt you?"

Worse... It feels like they killed me but my body is still alive...


"Not again.." with those he pulled me closer and hugged me, which was pretty surprising and comfortable...

I soon realized that he did this because I was crying again... Without even realizing...

"It's alright... Can you tell me what happened?"

"They killed... My sisters..."

Giyuu Tomioka's POV

Why her? Why her too? What did she do to them?

She started sobbing a bit louder as I held her even closer and played with her hair

A part of me believes that it's my fault... If I was careful, she wouldn't have found out about my Mafia works and she wouldn't have to be held hostage... She wouldn't have to be involved in this... If only I was more careful...

We stayed like this for a while until she was out of tears... For now

She pulled herself away from my embrace and wiped her tears gaining self-control

"Sorry..." She avoided eye contact and looked down

"It's alright, just let me know when you need comfort"

She had her gaze down but it looked like she had a lot to say, like she was finding the right words to use

"Who were they..?"

"Probably the upper moons... Another gang that goes against us, it isn't the first time they have done something like this"

"What do you mean...?"

"They did the same to some of our families too... Not just our's but plenty more"


"You need to get some rest and-"

"Why do they do this?"

Not that I was sure how to answer that... Why did they do this? To see others suffering?

"I can't believe that I'm pulled into your dirty work..."

Silence... I kept quiet but I could see the anger rising up, like she wanted to lash out and break something... Could I blame her?

Author's note

I am aware that I was gone for ages and I apologise... As a sorry, I'll upload a new book :)

Thank you Twe3kTweak for the idea, I will try to add your storyline but the actual plot is still GiyuShino so yeah but thank you!

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