Chapter 5

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Shinobu Kocho's POV

"None of your business" As much as I hate to do this, I poked him a bit making him flinch

"I'm trying to keep you distracted, so please talk as much as possible!"

"You don't you have another topic? Eh, I'm single..." huh? He is this handsome and yet single? What a surprise...  Maybe I do stand a chance... Just a little... But he still hates me...

"You are done" I said as I got up "Wrap him up so that the stitches won't get loose" I went to the sink and washed my hands
But what am I thinking? I can't love a murderer...

He. Kills. People.

The bad people though... Fuck love! I need to get out of here and complain to the police!

Plan A- Be a part of them!

"So... I have an offer for you guys" I sat down on the couch, surprised at how I managed to get everyone's attention

"You don't give offers, we do" the guy named Obanai growled

"I will join you," I said, I expected applause but I heard them laugh...

"Heh, first of all, you are weak, like very weak. And we don't expect you to join this 'murder squad' that you think, there are plenty of procedures for even starting the training" Tomioka said... I would train to death if I were training with you...

"You have to meet the Master first!" Rengoku explained, "Would you be willing to meet him?"


"What if she will harm the Master?"

"Chill Obanai, she is weak"

"Says the one who almost got slashed into two!"

"Shut up" he growled back

"I'll let the Master know that you wish to meet him!" Rengoku left the room and it felt weird...

"So Kocho, let us about yourself" Mitsuri said with a smile

"Shit girl from a shit place with a shit life"

"Shut up you loner!"

"Loner? I bet you'd be a bigger loner with that personality of yours"

"Hah! You didn't disagree with me when I said that you are a loner!"


"Oh yes, about me" I didn't want to tell EVERYONE my background but I'll for their trust and Mitsuri, she seemed nice. "I am 18 and I come from Kyoto, I live with my older sister and two adopted siblings, I came to Tokyo looking for a job and I am planning to move back when we have earned enough money! I don't think I'll be leaving since I am kidnapped but the Mafia!"

"What does your sister do?" Sanemi asked

"I thought you wanted details about me and not my sister Mr. Eyebrows" Heh, I just noticed how he doesn't have eyebrows

"Listen here you little piece of-"

"The Master agreed to meet you!" Rengoku came in interrupting Sanemi, thank god-

"Thank you Rengoku" I smiled at him and followed the guard who seemed to be leading the way

I am in a mansion! These people are rich as fuck! Oh well... I forgot they murder people-

"Get in"

The door was opened and I got in to see a man, a lady and two children...

"Good Evening Shinobu Kocho, you wished to see me?" I am supposed to be scared, he's the Master... The one who orders the others to kill people... Yet the one that didn't want me to be executed...

"Y-yes sir... I... Want to be a part of this... Organization..."

"I see, to escape am I right?"

What? Was that obvious?

I wanted to lie... But something was telling me not to...

"Yes... I'm sorry but I just can't live here forever!"

"I understand, so I shall let you leave"


"I do understand that living in a place isolated is hard, so I will let you join the organization. I will choose a trainer and once they say that you have what it takes to be a Mafia, I will let you go"

"You will let me go when I become a Mafia?"

"The final decision to become one is when you have claimed yourself as one, so no"

This was worth a try... There is a slight hope that I can escape!

"And your trainer will be... Giyuu Tomioka"

What the fuck?

"You are excused, Amane, please guide her" The lady nodded in agreement and walked out of the office, I followed her

"You can freely walk around the mansion, but can't go outside the mansion, you will train as per the trainer's wish and feel free to do anything here, you will be taken out to buy your necessaries once a month or so if your trainer lets you. This is your room"

A plain room, with a desk, closet and bed... It was like a prison but VIP?

"Thank you, Mrs Amane"

She bowed at me and left the room, door open... Which means... I can go out now! And Tomioka is injured badly so he wouldn't be able to train me for a long time!

And since I am training with him... I still have a chance...

In Love With The Wrong Person {GiyuShino}Where stories live. Discover now