Chapter 7

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Giyuu Tomioka's POV

"Eh? Why the heck are you carrying her?"

I turned over to the table where everyone was having breakfast... Right... We have a mission to go on... 

"Why did you take her out for training so early today?! We were gonna go shopping!"

"You are not coming to carry on the mission?" I asked as I laid Shinobu on the couch

"No, you dummy! We three are going for shopping today!" three? Who else?

"Three as in?"

"Me, Shinobu and you!"


"You are in charge of her Tomioka" Uzui said as he passed me a plate

"So what? You are too weak to handle a girl?" I growled at Mitsuri

"Don't talk like that about her and don't think of yourself as the strongest, peasant"

"Peasant?! You the fuck are you calling peasant huh?"

"Shut up..." mine and Obanai's argument was interrupted as we heard Shinobu who was waking up from her sleep "You call yourself a gang? More like a bunch of kindergarten children fighting over a chocolate..."

"Says you! You know shit about our work so mind it Kocho"

"Okay fine, I don't give a fuck about your work or if you die or stay alive. I was giving out my opinion and my only goal in life right now is to escape!" quarrelling with her is a shot idea, and I guess I have no choice but to accompany them...

Shinobu Kocho's POV

I got ready for 'shopping' and I heard that Tomioka will be spending the money today... So why not play with his bank account too?

"Are you done Shinobu San?"

"Uhh, yeah" I replied to Mitsuri who was peaking... She's the only one who is friendly to me... Rengoku, Tengen and Sanemi seem to respect me, Muichiro must have forgotten me and then there are Igoru and Tomioka...

I left my room and followed Mitsuri outside, I had a few things in mind that I wanted to buy... Well... I have a lot of things in mind to buy!

"Where do you want to start from?" Mitsuri asked me cheerfully

"How about... The mall?" I turned to Tomioka who was staring at me blankly, he seemed to approve so I didn't have an issue...

We got in his car, Tomioka driving, me in the front and Misturi at the back

We had an awkward drive... No one was talking...

We soon reached the mall and I felt someone pull me back

"Don't even think about escaping" I heard Tomioka whisper in a threatening way... I wasn't planning to either

"Don't be too harsh on her Tomioka! I'll keep an eye on her"


Giyuu Tomioka's POV

"How about this dress Shino- Shinobu?!" I heard Mitsuri yell out her name so I walked over to her

"What's wrong?"

"She is gone.." what? I knew it! Damn you Kocho. "I-I am so sorry-"

"It's not your fault, it's her" I walked out of the shop looking for her... She shouldn't have left the mall already... She's gotta be here somewhere

"Tomioka! Look!" Mitsuri came running to me and gave me a note...

'Go back to your Master, he has something to tell you about the girl'

Was this a trap? Did she run away or...

"Come on we have to go!"


"I see that you're here..."

We reached the mansion and saw everyone waiting for us...

"Master we apologize-"

"We should have killed her in the first place!" Obanai growled

"She did not run away, she was kidnapped by another team" I swear that she'll leak everything to them.
"They want one of you to meet them to get her"

"Let her rot there!"

"Obanai!" Mitsuri scolded... I should go... I'm the one responsible after all

"I will go"

"Very well"

Master handed me a slip of paper, it was an address...

I was supposed to meet them there...

In Love With The Wrong Person {GiyuShino}Where stories live. Discover now