Chapter 4

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Shinobu Kocho's POV

"So... What's your name?" I asked the kid sitting next to me

"Muichiro... Tokito"

"Pleased to meet you Tokito, I am Shinobu Kocho, so... Why did you join-"

"My twin... Was killed" he joined this shit because his twin was killed? "And nobody did anything about it, Master Kagaya agreed to find who killed my brother"

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"I noticed the way you look at the emo, you like him don't you?"

"E-eh? Tomioka San..? No.."

"I never said who"

"You said emo!" the kid was smarter than me...

"He is the biggest emo, wait... What are we talking about again?"

Did he forget? Oh yes, the pink lady informed me... But it's not safe for a child to be a part of this...

Going back to the things they warned me about... I have no chance of escaping this place unless...

I become a part of them! And gain their trust! Yup! That will do!

"Hmmm... Tokito, how did you get to know about this... Whole gang?"

"They offered a deal, I accepted..."

"What do you do? As in, what does the gang do?"

"Kill people" don't tell me that I have to kill someone to escape... That's so shit-

"Are you planning to escape?"

Tokito looked at me blankly, with dead eyes, I felt bad for him... But... Can I trust anyone here? If they were so kind, they would have let me go...

"Trying to get used to these people.."

"Me too, I don't like anyone here, but the pink girl looked welcoming"

All that I can do now is to wait for their return, but who is the Master that they mentioned? Isn't he the one who ordered not to kill me?

"We're back!!!"

It looks like they came back

"Hello, Shinobu! Did Tokito keep ya entertained?"

"I was asked to monitor her... Not to entertain her"

"Take a break, Mui! We've bought you dinner!"

"No thanks" I rejected the girl's offer, but it was nice of them to buy me something "I'm just not hungry, and I didn't catch your name"

"Oh yeah! My apologies! My name is Mitsuri Kanroji!"

"Pleased to meet you-"

Giyuu Tomioka's POV

My everything hurts... I should have been more careful during the mission... I felt myself going unconscious, I closed my eyes tryna calm myself up knowing that I wouldn't be able to

"Keep it cool Giyuu-"

"Shut up"

"Oh my god..." huh? Sounded that girl we... No, I captured... "He is hurt! Shit, get me a kit!"

"Uhh we have someone specialized to tend our wounds so she'll-"

"She'll take a while, do you know how to fix him?"

"Yes now get me a kit and lay him on the couch"

I felt myself being laid... It felt good but my stomach still hurt... Must have gotten myself a huge cut...

Shinobu Kocho's POV

Tomioka was lying on the couch, and a guy named Rengoku went to get the kit. He was badly injured in his stomach. Would I have to stitch it up? It's been ages since I last did something like this...

Take it together Shinobu! Maybe if you help him, you'll have a chance..?

Stop thinking about it!

"Here is the kit" He placed the kit next to me, but now I have to take off his shirt...

"I-I need help with taking off his shirt... His stomach must be badly injured since there is a lot of blood loss from there" Two of them helped Tomioka take off his shirt and damn...

I'm very impressed with his abs...

"Don't try to do shit with me Kocho" Tomioka muttered, but did he expect me to be a pervert?! I took a cotton ball and started wiping off the blood

"I still don't know why we let her treat him"

"Maybe because we had no other choice? And he is bleeding pretty bad and..."

"What? Don't know what to do?" I was getting mad at the black-haired piece of shit

"He needs to be stitched up"

"E-eh? Stitching while he is still conscious?" Mitsuri asked with a worried tone

"Can you do it? Our usual is busy so she won't be here in an hour or so"

"I haven't stitched someone while they are conscious but..." I hesitate... Because what if something went wrong?

"Look idiot, what is the difference?" I turned to see Tomioka growling at me

"Then don't you DARE move"

I took the thread and the needle, I always got uncomfortable while stitching people...

"It's best if you are distracted so talk "

"Just start the work already- Fuck"

I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction, He hadn't even done anything yet, couldn't believe that he handled a massive cut but not a poke with a needle

"What the heck Giyuu?" oh? So his name is Giyuu Tomioka?

"How did you get the cut?" I'll just start a conversation to keep him distracted and meanwhile, get my job done!

"None of your business"

"Why did you join the gang?"

He was doing his best not to make any sound, I can't blame him, it must hurt

"Family... And close friends were murdered... By a gang, joined seeking revenge..." Tokito too lost his family and joined in seeking revenge...

"I see, when did you join?"

"When I was something around 9"

"Nine? You joined very young..."

"We train idiots, we start training from a young after they go on a mission when we are ready which will be around 16 and we join the Hashira Gang when we are selected by the Master, which will be around 18 least but it doesn't matter what age"

"Oh, I see... Are you single?" I heard a few giggles from behind but this is a good way to know him better!

In Love With The Wrong Person {GiyuShino}Where stories live. Discover now