Christmas Special #1

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[A/N: Merry Christmas Eve & A Happy New Year Everyone!!]

[A/N: This is a Christmas special that I wrote. It's not part of the plot, as it doesn't flow well. It could be mentioned in the future, though.]

It was a holiday week for Gotham Academy, the students were able to spend time at home with their families. On the other hand, Percy also had a holiday week but needed to work. So, for the time he had to study, he spent time with Nina. They went shopping for Christmas gifts and decorations together at the last minute.

They weren't on a time crunch and bought what they liked, still on a budget, but they were having fun and making memories throughout the process. Nina had grabbed a lot of chocolate and was warned by her brother about cavities. Ignoring his warnings, she bought them either way. She was mostly complacent with his warnings during dangerous situations; she could deal with the future consequences, and she was no longer a little kid who didn't have a clue about life.

They set up Christmas lights on their windows, turning them on at night. There wasn't a specific design, just to look pretty. Fake snow wasn't needed; having a real one outside was. Nina simply grabbed a ton and slammed it on the window frames. She was responsible for decorating the apartment, whereas Percy was responsible for food.

They didn't have a real tree to be the Christmas tree, settling for a fake plastic one instead. Real ones would be thrown out after being used once, whereas fake ones could be reused yearly. Additionally, there is no worry about chopping down more trees contributing to climate change. The fireplace in the apartment was lit, warming up the room. Large pieces of wood came from the unused pallets on the dock. Other unused papers or flammable objects were used in between.

Getting cozy in the newly bought large black blanket, Nina switched on the TV and started watching Home Alone, waiting for Percy to return home. She would laugh occasionally, especially when the intruders became bald, and winced when one stepped on a nail.

It was Christmas Eve, not Christmas yet. Percy had planned that after returning home from work, they would travel to New York, where their parents lived.

However, under the soft glow of Christmas lights, walking through Gotham's snow, Sally Jackson-Blofis, Paul Blofis, and Estelle Blofis made their way through the city. They were on a festive mission to surprise Percy and Nina.

Upon arriving at their apartment's address, Paul held a bag filled with holiday treats, and Sally clutched a beautifully wrapped gift for each sibling. Wearing a tiny Santa hat, Estelle giggled excitedly after not seeing her siblings in what the child would consider forever.

Immersed in a movie marathon, Nina was unaware of their arrival. It wasn't until the third doorbell rang that she understood someone was outside the door.

"Coming!" Nina shouted as she reluctantly exited her cozy spot under the blankets. After talking to the Jackson siblings about his grandfather's cookie recipes being passed to him, she expected Jason to have cookies in hand. She doubted they would surpass her mom's blue cookies, but they would nonetheless be good.

The door creaked open, revealing Sally, Paul, and Estelle adorned in winter coats, their breath visible in the chilly air.

"Surprise!" Sally announced a bright smile on her face. She looked the same, young and cheery as always.

Nina's eyes widened in shock. "Mom? Paul? Estelle?" she exclaimed, a mixture of joy and disbelief crossing her face. She jumped into her mother's arms without a second thought if her mother could hold her weight. "You're here!"

Paul chuckled, holding onto his wife, ensuring the mother and daughter pair wouldn't fall. "We thought we'd bring a bit of holiday warmth to Gotham. And we come bearing gifts and snacks."

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