Gotham Education

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"Why must I go to a school filled with snobby, spoiled kids and rich brats?" Nina complained as they walked towards Gotham Academy.

Her brother was by her side, listening to Nina's grumbling as they walked to the prestigious school they would be attending. He can't help but chuckle at her frustrations, understanding her apprehension about starting in a new environment and attending a rich ass school financially supported by a god.

"I get it, Nina," Percy replied with a shit-eating grin; he did not, and he was glad he was not suffering through what she would go through. "But hey, think of it as an adventure. We're here to study and make the most of this opportunity. And who knows, maybe we'll find some unexpected friends along the way."

Nina scrunched up her nose before rolling her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, Mr. Optimistic. Just be prepared for me to unleash my full sarcasm if things get too unbearable. I'm never going to be friends with some snobby rich kids."

"Never say never," Percy laughed, knowing that Nina's sharp wit could easily cut through any pretentiousness they might encounter. "I do not doubt that sis. Your sarcasm is a force to be reckoned with. You might make friends, you know. You never know. I never thought I'd be dragged into two deadly wars, but guess what happened? I didn't think I would survive either. Maybe bring a friend home." Percy took a second to think about it, "no boys."

Nina rolled her eyes again, "If you didn't participate, you would've died either way, so joining it was part of survival, and eww, no."

"Little sister, you do know if you continue rolling your eyes, they'll be stuck back there, right?" Percy joked.

Nina doesn't stop rolling her eyes at her brother, clearly showing him what she is doing. This prompts her brother to start eye-rolling at her.

As they approached the grand entrance of Gotham Academy, Percy couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness for his sister. Would she get into fights? Was the food good? It should be, this is a school. Stop worrying! Percy screamed at himself inside his head.

Entering the hallways, they were greeted by a flurry of activity. The students bustled about, some engrossed in conversations while others rushed to their next class. Percy's eyes scanned the crowd, noticing the elaborate uniforms, designer accessories, and air of entitlement permeating the atmosphere. Looking back at his sister, he noticed she did not have a uniform. Would she fit in? Would she get along with them?

Nina released an exasperated sigh, her gaze fixed on a group of students chatting loudly, their voices dripping with superiority. "See what I mean, Percy? Snobby rich kids."

Percy nodded, understanding her frustration. He had encountered his fair share of entitled demigods and children of the gods back in Camp Half-Blood, and he knew that dealing with arrogant peers could be challenging.

"Remember, we're not here to prove ourselves to anyone," Percy reminded Nina, his voice filled with determination. "We're here to learn, grow, and become the best versions of ourselves. Don't let their attitudes bring you down."

Nina's expression softened, and she gave a nod of agreement. "You're right, Percy. We're not defined by where we come from or how much money we have. We'll show them what we're made of."

Percy and Nina walked through the halls of Gotham Academy with their heads held high.

The two siblings, however, were unaware of the eyes they attracted as they walked through the hallway together. Percy was an adult despite his young-looking appearance, was tall and handsome, capturing the eyes and hearts of the young teenage girls. His stone-cold face, emotionless, resembled as he looked forward Damian Wayne's, making others assume they were related, however, once he smiled, making eye contact with others, it captured their heart even further. His charism shined through. Nina, his little sister who was standing next to him, stood out as well as she wasn't simply as tall as her brother, albeit shorter, but her hair emphasized and complemented her appearance despite being against their school policies and differing opinions of cool hair dye, seeing it as a symbol of rebellion and wildness. She would be shunned not purposefully but because of her displayed personality and lack of showing off money.

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