It's Raining, It's Pouring

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A/N: Hello, readers. There is a new chapter! Happy reading, and have a nice day or night!

The school day had ended, Percy was home, and Nina had left Jason's boyfriend's safehouse (she was not kicked out). It was back to normal daily routine.

Walking home from the bus stop, it began to rain. The forecast did not mention rain that day, so no umbrella was brought to school. Nina saw that most people around, like her, did not know it would rain, scrambling to get back inside a building or just waiting out the rain by hiding under covers.

She was thankful that her headphones were waterproof — courtesy of Percy — so music kept blasting music into her ears. Taking a shortcut through a dark alley home, completely drenched but enjoying her time humming and singing the song 'Riptide.' She had discovered this after researching her brother's sword's name, but then fell in love with it, along with the songs 'Brother' and 'Daylight,' all from different artists.

When she was close to home, at some point, she left her bag under the cover of the building's entrance. It was still in her sight, ensuring it wouldn't be stolen. She then dropped her headphones around her shoulders and could still hear the blasting music at max volume and in proximity. Unconsciously, she started bouncing to the music.

When Nina was younger, Sally placed her in gymnastics and dance classes. Those classes helped with her reflexes, flexibility, and overall confidence. When trying out, Nina distinctively remembered she liked the basics of gymnastics, but dance spoke to her more, so she took more classes than not. It was a shame to stop, but the situation was understandable. Maybe picking it up again at Gotham Academy would be good, but that was only if they had dance as an extracurricular. Note to self: Check if dance is an extracurricular activity on Monday.

As Nina danced, her worries were washed away. "Percy! Come on! Get down here!" she shouted, wanting to share this experience with her brother.

Percy looked outside the window to see his sister drenched in the middle of the road. "Nina, get back in here! You're gonna get sick!" He stuck his head out so that his voice could reach her.

"Come on, brother! Come down! It's fun!" Nina continued to shout as she stomped on a puddle and bounced. It had been years since she had been soaked under the rain and let go. She just let loose since she didn't have to care about her already dirty clothes.

Percy watched as his sister danced with joy under the rain. At first, he thought of going down the stairs or jumping straight down from where he was to get her and reprimand her. But then, he saw her smile, which he hadn't seen in a long time. And her laugh, she had laughed with him, yes, but not this free. 'Everything has got a price, but happiness is free.'

He let her be happy before reminding her of real life, their –in a way– dull lives. He admits that living the life of a demi-god was extremely dangerous but was also exciting and fun. The countless adventures he had just because of that part of the blood he had, the number of friendships and trials he went through, now here to witness his sister's happiness. These adventures find many he could protect and vice versa. Without his blood, he would not have met Annabeth or the camp; without his blood, he would not have been blessed with such a life; without his blood, he does not know where he would be now.

So, he let her be.

His sister's smile was so infectious that he felt the need to smile. For a moment, he let go of the accumulated worries, the weight of responsibilities pressing on his shoulders. The sound of raindrops echoed like a soothing melody, drowning out the sound of Gotham.

Nina's laughter resonated through the air, a melody of happiness. Watching her stomp in puddles, embracing the rain with open arms, Percy felt a pang of nostalgia. He remembered simpler times, carefree days spent at Camp Half-Blood, when battles or dangers weren't going on, and campers having fun with each other and not the world's harsh realities.

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