Morning Routine

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The soft glow of dawn filtered through Nina's bedroom window, casting a warm hue on the walls. The morning crisp air flowed in through the small crack in the window. As the first light touched the room, Nina stirred in her bed, and her eyes gradually opened.

Literally rolling herself out of bed, Nina stretched her arms overhead with a yawn, feeling the comforting pull of her muscles waking up. Looking out the window, she sees the sun. The ball of fire that had not shown itself in days or weeks at times. Looking around her room, she saw her worn pair of running shoes placed by the bedside, a reminder she had set for herself.

She grabbed her phone and set the volume low to avoid disturbing anyone. She clicked the play button on her alternative rock playlist and started moving with the beat. Gathering the essentials for the run – the sleek black hoodie, sweatpants, and her trusted set of earphones. Plugging the earphones in before going out of her room. Nina looked back, her eyes landing on a faded photo on her desk. It was of her and Percy younger than now, during a carefree summer after all the shenanigans. The memory brought a softness to her gaze. It was a simpler life when she didn't know shit. Walking to the front door, she slipped her foot in her shoes and was out the door after grabbing her keys.

She jogged slowly before transitioning into a run and following her usual route for the past few months. Daytime Gotham was considerably safer than nighttime Gotham. Most of the dangerous outlaws are either doing business or sleeping. Because who with a choice in their right mind would be awake that early in the morning? Nina admits that she has encountered undesirable but also some pleasant ones.

What she was about to pass by was one of those undesirables. As she approached the confrontation scene, her pace didn't falter. Gotham was wild for these open confrontations, especially in the morning.

Three individuals stood menacingly around one another, who seemed cornered against the graffiti-covered wall. The tension in the air was palpable. However, she knew her capabilities. She had promised that she wouldn't get involved. This was not her business. After mapping out the route, safe detours, and shortcuts, she slowed, keeping a safe distance from the unfolding conflict, and changed her route. Nina's attention remained focused on her run, the music drowning out the muffled sounds of the altercation.

"Morning, Mark," Nina greeted as she ran past the homeless sleeping on the park bench.

"Good morning, Lisa," Mark, the homeless man greeted. He was a man, not too young but not old either, with a large, unkempt beard and hair. His belongings spread out neatly beside him in an organized chaos. Despite his circumstances and expectations of what homeless people in Gotham are like, Mark had always been friendly and never failed to return Nina's greetings. He had great stories to tell, even if most weren't true.

Nina jogged past the small park, acknowledging the few regular faces she encountered during her morning runs. The city slowly woke up, and shop owners started opening their stores. The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted from a nearby cafe, tempting Nina to divert from her usual routine.

"Morning, Mrs. Rodriguez," Nina called out to the elderly lady who was the cashier and owner of the neighborhood grocery store.

"Good morning, dear." Mrs. Rodriguez smiled warmly from behind the counter. She was the first Gothamite they encountered and also the first who helped them. She warned her and her brother of the cautious areas to avoid. There were some iffy areas that were okay at times, but mostly not really. They heeded her warnings, staying out of those areas. Nina had once sneaked away and looked over the places she spoke about, true to her words, it was off. "It has been a while since I've seen your brother, how is he doing?"

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