New Neighbors

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Jason didn't expect new neighbors. Much less did he expect to get along with them so well. The reason why he opened the door was because of the noisiness. Way louder than necessary.

It was common decency to not be loud much anywhere because of how easily noise passed through the hallways and brought trouble. If it were any other Gothamite, he would have screamed at them, even threatened them if they didn't tone their noise down.

But as soon as he opened the door, he first saw a man. He possessed sea-green eyes that seemed to radiate with a bright intensity, reminiscent of the ocean's depths, though not quite like the eerie glow of the Lazarus Pit. The man's messy and tousled hair perfectly reflected his carefree and adventurous personality. His fair skin had a sun-kissed glow, likely due to spending time outdoors. He had noticed how the man held himself. He was confident, not cocky, and didn't look to intimidate but warn others to stay away. Their physical build was similar, with broad shoulders and a large back, although the man's loose-fitting clothing somewhat concealed it.

When the man's body shifted uncomfortably, it was a subtle movement. However, the movement's intentions were clear: to cut off his easy access to whatever was behind him. That was when Jason took notice of a young girl standing on the stairs, holding two boxes on each arm. She looked roughly around the age of 15 and 16, maybe older. Even so, she was a kid who didn't even look like she could kill a fly. That was an exaggeration, but the meaning was the same. His worry and paranoia diminished slightly as he held the gun on top of the shoe rack next to him with the safety on.

Now that was out of the way, he couldn't help but take notice of their appearances once again. The man and the girl had a striking mass of untamed, short, jet-black hair. Their hairstyles differed by the multiple highlighted streaks of blonde that ran through the girl as if she had chosen to dye sections of her hair without committing to coloring its entirety. The contrast between the dark base and the vibrant streaks created an eye-catching effect. However, unlike the man's striking sea-green eyes, the girl's eyes shimmered with a vivid shade of blue, reminiscent of a serene lake on a clear day. They held a youthful curiosity and a touch of mischief. It would seem that his brothers would get along just well with her.

Despite the apparent differences in their physical appearances, the two had an undeniable familial resemblance. Jason could feel a shared connection between the two, which resembled his brothers' and his relationship.

Jason didn't know how much time he had spent staring at the sibling duo before the male had to fake cough and interrupt the silence with a "Hi?" The two siblings were now both staring at him.

Now feeling uncomfortable, his first response was obvious: "You're not from Gotham." Jason felt the need to slap his mouth shut in embarrassment but kept a straight face.

"No shit, Sherlock, was it the hair?" She smirked. "They kinda stand out, but I'm pretty sure the working ladies have these more commonly. Oh, or was it the accents? Gotham isn't ready for the Jackson siblings' awesomeness! And Sassiness. We might need to tone down the charisma a bit," cue an exaggerated theatrical bow. "Maybe it is being loud or something, is it unusual- Ah!" The man abruptly silenced the girl's words as he playfully bonked her on the back of her head. Jason watched the exchange with surprise and amusement, his embarrassment slowly fading.

"Sorry about her," the man said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. Jason understands. It's hard to take control over siblings. "I'm Percy, and this is my sister, Nina."

Nina recovered and shot a playful glare at her brother. "Nina, the more tolerable sibling. Mom's second favorite," she said with a mischievous grin. She reminded him of when he was younger, when everything wasn't as fucked up.

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