Percy's Job

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A few months ago, Percy Jackson started working at the Gotham Aquarium. It was and is an easy job for him, being the son of Poseidon and all. It was an effortless side job that helped sustain himself as Poseidon used his godly wealth to support his sister since he had refused his money and help. He invested the money he gained in his health and rent. He wasn't worried about his sister running out of money from her credit card; however, he wanted to be independent. He used this opportunity to balance his work at the aquarium with his studies and personal interests.

The aquarium was also an escape from university work for Percy. Especially when the classes became too frustrating, he found himself solitary in a space full of water, land, and marine animals. They all called him 'my lord,' something he had grown used to; however, it was still weird. While he was touring, multiple fish would often approach the glass windows and tap on them. It impressed the children and adults who had never seen aquatic animals act like that.

His co-workers had dubbed him the prince of fish. Not that far off, honestly.

It was normal at first, the job, that is. He enjoyed it. He gave tours and explained the marine life, their likes and dislikes. Giving tours to children and teenagers accompanied by school or their parents. When comparing their behaviors, there was a vast difference between the two ages. Children are fascinated with and want to touch everything, whereas teenagers are more interested in their phones. He would have liked a little respect, at least. At least kids at camp would listen. He had a reputation there that made them listen and respect him. As much as he disliked it then, he found it lacking now. But who cares? His job was to tour them around, not force them to pay attention, he would share with those who came there for the entertainment and enjoyment of marine life.

At times, he would also join in cleaning the tanks when the aquarium needed more staff. He never minded and was even paid extra for doing something he loved: swimming and having fun with the fish who swam around him while he cleaned their tanks. He enjoyed playing with sharks, turtles, and dolphins the most. While playing with sharks, he could give his co-workers heart attacks, which he found funny and entertaining.

The actions of aquatic life led his co-workers to suspect him of being a meta or his origin being from Atlantis, a half-marine man. However, many had seen him shirtless due to swimming and had seen his scars, including the fact he lacked gills to be considered Atlantean and a tail. Despite the logic and physical autonomy of the young demi-god, the aquarium staff had gathered a betting pool about their newest and youngest co-worker. Some things that were unwritten and a rule that was to be followed by everybody was that no one would talk about this subject with him around and no snitching on Percy to Batman. The new kid was a sweetheart to be able to do anything wrong.

But then, it started to become weird. Criminals, more specifically, the Penguin, started visiting. He visited this giant white shark who disliked his given name 'Tiny' and preferred to be called Steve. He still responded to the name Tiny because what else would he do? Being called Tiny meant food would be given, so he accepted it.

The Penguin's visits to the aquarium made Percy uneasy. He knew all too well about the villain's reputation as one of Gotham's most notorious criminals. Still, he tried to remain calm and professional during these encounters. Percy didn't want to draw any attention to himself, fearing it might endanger his sister, Nina.

During one of the visits, the Penguin approached Percy with a smug grin. "Well, if it isn't the fish prince himself," he sneered, looking around at the marine life in their tanks. "Quite a fascinating collection you have here." It seems like the Penguin had heard the nickname from somewhere, but why would he gain interest in him?

Percy forced a smile, keeping his emotions in check. Annabeth would call him 'seaweed brain' if he showed his genuine emotions. "Thank you," he replied, trying to sound casual. "It's always nice to see people taking an interest in marine life."

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