Christmas Special #2

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[A/N: As clearly seen, Jason is kinda my favorite character. So here it is, Jason's Christmas.]


Jason sat there pondering. He stared at the letter of invitation. Not an online text from his replacement, nor someone coming up to him and asking for him to join their dinner, Dick. But this was a motherloving letter. This was Alfred's communication style, well, one of which Jason recognized. The seal and handwriting, all Alfred.

Jason couldn't help but smirk as he ran his fingers over the smooth paper, feeling the weight of the words within. Alfred always had a way of making even the simplest messages feel like they belonged to another era, adding a touch of class to everything he did. Jason unfolded the letter carefully, revealing Alfred's elegant script.

"Master Jason," the letter began in its timeless font, "I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I invite you to join the Wayne family for dinner at Wayne Manor this Monday evening. Your presence would be most appreciated and would bring us joy."

Jason's brow arched slightly at the mention of "joy," wondering if Alfred had a secret motive behind the invitation. But then again, Alfred always had a way of keeping things under wraps until the right moment.

The invitation continued, detailing the time, dress code, and the promise of a delightful menu curated by the Manor's esteemed chef, Alfred. Jason couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and nostalgia. He hadn't been to Wayne Manor for such a gathering in a long time. The family's dynamics had shifted over the years. Jason often found himself on the fringes, balancing his ideals for justice while working with someone whose justice methods he disapproved of.

As he pondered whether to accept the invitation, memories flooded back — of training sessions with Bruce, late-night conversations with Alfred, and the camaraderie he once shared with Dick. He wondered if this dinner was an olive branch, a subtle attempt to bridge the gaps that had formed over time.

Jason's thoughts were on that singular letter for two nights and three days. During patrol as Red Hood and crime-fighting with the other Bats, his thoughts were on that letter.

Everybody wanted him to come so that everybody felt like a family again, or as much of a family as they could be. Nobody brought it up, having assumed that Jason was thinking about it based on his distraction while fighting.

Alfred was undoubtedly the second young master's favorite. Alfred had not been honest with him, believing he could think for himself and make wise choices. He was wrong only once.

On the third night, with the letter still clutched in his hand, Jason decided. He wasn't going.

Jason's decision not to attend weighed heavily on him as the days passed. The letter now crumpled and creased in his pocket, felt like a physical manifestation of his internal conflict. The memories of the family he had once been a part of clashed with the reality of his current path as Red Hood.

He didn't want to go; he didn't want to face the people he had been so against accepting him again so easily. He knew he wouldn't, so why were they?

He knew deep down he wanted to be a family again.

As Monday approached, he became even more restless. Just then, he heard a loud shout outside his door. "Surprise!" The woman's voice was filled with cheer, happiness, and hopefulness, which did not suit Gotham. They weren't from here. That voice wasn't close to his door. Was it Nina and Percy? Percy was out, did Nina need help?

"Mom? Paul? Estelle?" he had heard her exclamation, with joy and disbelief in her voice. He was certain he heard an 'oof' somewhere. Nonetheless, he resonated with those emotions in her voice. A surprise visit from Alfred would make his day, maybe even his week.

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