Diana's Invitation

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[N/A: Hi, it's me again. I'm alive. This chapter is filler-ish, but it is still nice, in my opinion. Here it is. I hope everyone has a great day/night. Leave kudos and/or a comment if you enjoy it. If you have ideas and recommendations for what I can do next, just comment.]

Diana Prince stood at the entrance of their apartment. Percy stood at the door and stared without a word. Getting his mind back, he goes to close the door. Diana holds her hand out, her wrist guards not allowing the door to close.

"Let me close the door," Percy says as he attempts to push his cousin's hand from blocking the door.

"Let me in," Diana says instead. She had a serious look on her face.

Percy hesitated for a moment. Taking advantage of that moment, Diana pushed the door open, and he closed it immediately without her holding him back.

"What do you want?" he asks, his hand still on the door handle, looking back at her in annoyance.

Diana had a reputation around camp. She was the daughter of Zeus, made from clay, and followed her father's wishes despite his wrongdoings. She believed in the good and holy and that gods did take care of their responsibilities. She was a goodie two shoes and the favorite daughter. Except for the time when they made her think they were dead. She didn't come to help or support them because she was Zeus's favorite daughter.

The girl takes a deep breath, "I— was wondering if you would like to come with me to the Wayne Gala," she says.

"Why?" Percy asks with his hands crossed around his chest.

Diana takes a step forward, looking at Percy with pleading eyes, "I know we haven't seen eye to eye in the past, but I think it's time we put that behind us and move on. Plus, it's for a good cause. The Wayne Foundation is raising funds for underprivileged children in Gotham City," she explains with a smile.

Percy considers her offer for a moment. "What's the use of me going there? I know that is where the influential and rich mortals gather. Do I look like I'm one of those?" He knew that Diana was trying to make amends. He did not want to give in easily and didn't want to go at all either way.

Nina then suddenly pops out. "Can I bring a friend?" she asks.

Percy responds to her question. "If they're from your school, they're already invited. Also, since when did you have a friend?"

Nina rolls her eyes. "Yes, Percy, I have a friend. You can't believe it after me being in Gotham for 6 months, literally half a year, and making no friends. I just never told you about him."

"Him," Percy emphasizes. "This friend of yours's a guy?"

"Mhm, his name is Sammy," Nina answers innocently, not knowing the danger. She had had guy friends before at her brother's camps. They all treated her like a little sister when she visited, and she liked having guy friends and a sense of security when Percy wasn't around. Sammy wasn't treating her in any abnormal way, and so she trusted him.

"Really?" Percy asks. "Also, who said you were invited."

"I don't know; it was kind of implied since you don't want me supervisor less because if you don't let me go, I'm going out at nighttime. Plus, can we please go? There's free food! There is free food, right?" the question was directed to Diana, to which she responded with an amused smile and nod. "Why would you ever reject free food?" She asks. "Well, unless you try to avoid a blind date, that I can understand."

"I'll ask Jason to watch over you," Percy says, ignoring her question.

"He's busy that day. Family dinner," Nina immediately responds. At his raised brow, Nina continues, "I asked, wanted to borrow his motorcycle." Another raised brow. "Don't ask."

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