Solving Misunderstanding

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[A/N: Hello, dear readers. My final exams are coming, and I am dying. I hope everything's swell with you all, though. Quick question: who else is reading fanfiction as an escape? Because I know I am.]

[Quick message: In this chapter, characters will be more OOC than anywhere else. Do leave a comment on what you think at the end.]

Batman was looming in the corner of his apartment. Surprisingly, his main apartment was where he was friends with his neighbors. His adopted dad didn't seem to have researched the people who lived in this place or their relation to him. He wasn't as thorough in researching people's backgrounds as he was back in the day. He was quite certain that the whole team was outside of his window, just loitering there.

It was the weekend. Nobody (of Jason's family) had considered a young teenager going to her neighbor's apartment, wanting help with her English homework. When she stumbled upon the vigilante of Gotham, her first thought was that he wasn't as big or tall as she imagined him to be. Maybe Percy, Jason, and Sammy had dulled her senses of their height. The addition of everybody at camp's half-blood causes an issue in her perception.

Then she thought, or rather, her brain worked. Her second thought was that Jason had done something bad and needed Batman's intervention. That idea was scrapped as he was a nice guy to her and her brother. He couldn't be bad. And then a third thought, not theory but statement, emerged: not everybody was good, neither were they bad. Jason may have been bad, but now he was in the grey area. Lastly, the theory she currently believed was happening popped up. Red Hood was an enemy of Batman. Could Batman be wanting to separate the couple?

Her face hardening with determination, Nina squared her shoulders and met the man in the corner's eyes. Her voice cut through the air, each word deliberate and filled with resolve. No sad, very weird hobby furry man was going to hurt her friend and destroy his relationship with someone he likes in his home.

"Are you here because of his relationship? If that's the case, you must go through me if you want him to stop."

Jason was caught off guard and stumbled a bit as he stood behind her, his mouth hanging open in silent surprise. He knew of her misunderstanding but never corrected it, thinking it was funny, even with how serious and how much Nina had believed in that thought. Though, it seemed as if it was now coming back to bite him in the ass.

"Jason is in a relationship?!" shouted the teenager hanging upside down outside the window.

Nina, her glare now fixed on the intruder, shrugging her neighbor off her shoulders. Staring at him, she questioned with authority, "What's it to you?"

"Nothing, nothing," the guy replied, hastily retracting his head. The little girl was as scary as Cass.

"Who is this?" Batman's gruff and forced, deep voice interjected, demanding answers.

Jason, attempting to intervene, began speaking, "Nobody. She isn't—"

"Why does the Furry of Gotham want to know who a random teenager is?" Nina retorted, her arms crossed, standing her ground against Batman. "What do you need, creepy guy in black? FYI, it's a great feat to pull off creepy in black. Usually, the more colorful clown-looking creeps me. Where am I trying to get at? Oh, right, you are creepy."

Amused, Jason couldn't help but snicker while watching the exchange.

The teenager continued pointing out the flaws in the superheroes' attire, "You had the choice of not using the ears, likely, at all, completely, nada. Honestly, they look funky. At least Robin isn't dressed like a bird. I admit the first and second... even the third's outfits were very questionable. Like, seriously, I'm pretty sure those things were panties on little boys."

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