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"Hyunjin, I-"

"Save it, San, please," I begged him with broken eyes as I opened my locker.

"I didn't think he was going to-"

"But he did." I turned to him and said. "So are we even now? I thought you didn't like me all this time because of Wooyoung, but it was Yeosang. So now that he, along with your brother, has ruined the only thing that's made me happy, can you please give me a fucking break with the dirty looks and the lectures?"

"I'm sorry." He nodded, looking down shamefully.

"I hope you know I would've never done a single thing that could potentially hurt your relationship with Wooyoung. Because he's my friend and I care about his happiness. That meant I never would've given you looks or treated you like you're garbage. I left him so you could be with him. This all happened after Yeosang. That should've been your moment to stop."

At this point, I was just rambling. I needed someone to be mad at and take my anger out on.

"Hyunjin, I didn't explicitly tell Jongho to tell Felix. I didn't tell him to tell Yeosang either, I didn't know he'd do that."

"You shouldn't of fucking told anyone to begin with! I told you and Wooyoung, that was it. But the second I got to my class, Mingi told me he knew all about it. I easily could've called you out for doing that, but I kept it to myself. From now on, keep my fucking name out of your mouth." I slammed my locker shut and walked away to find Minho.

I didn't see Felix once throughout the entire school day and it killed me. He became the main reason I got out of bed so this morning was torture. Before I came to school, I absentmindedly realized I was driving to his house, so of course that left me in a pathetic puddle of tears.

"Hey." Minho sighed, closing his locker. "You see Felix today?"

"No." I shook my head. "Jisung?"

"No. I talked to Changbin to see if he knew anything because he was in gym class with Felix, Jongho, and Yeosang. Apparently, Felix just straight up left and never came back." I was beginning to panic. Does that mean he's missing? Was he not in school today at all? Is he okay? "I think Jisung might've gone with him."

"Do you think they skipped?" That doesn't sound like something Felix would do. He's never missed a single day of school or work. Being on time is very important to him.

"Maybe." He shrugged. "Hopefully I'll find out in a few. Are you going over to Felix's?"

"Yeah. I have no idea what time he leaves for work though. I've driven him every single day."

"Well, then we should probably go."

With that, the both of us went our separate ways to try and win Jisung and Felix back.

I was sweating. I had the air conditioning on high with the windows down as I drove just so I could cool down. This psychotic plan makes me feel like a creep, but what other options do I have?

I took a deep breath once I parked my car in front of Felix's house. I really hope I didn't miss him yet, I tried to get here as fast as I could.

I knocked on the door three times, terrified of what was to come. And to my disappointment, Rosé answered the door.

"He's not here." She said. I could tell she was trying to keep her composure so he must've told her what happened. "Don't bother coming back either." She tried to close the door in my face, but I stuck my foot in the way and opened it. I'm not sure why I did it, but I definitely deserved what she did next. She slapped me right across the face with every ounce of strength she had. "Stay away from my brother. I don't want him around pieces of shit like you."

"Just let me expla-"

"You don't get to explain shit to me!" She shouted. "You know how much you meant to him."

"And he means a lot to me!" I stressed.

"Clearly not because apparently all he was good for was a bet. Do you know how disgusting of a person you have to be to do that to someone else?" She spit directly at my face, but I deserved that too.

"I know, I'm sorry." I sighed, ashamed of myself and my actions. "I just wanted to come here and apologize to him."

Rosé sighed, trying to collect herself. "Can I just ask why?" She seemed so hurt and confused; I know how much she cares for Felix.

"I didn't know Felix before this. He wasn't some sort of target. If I knew anything about him, I never would've gone through with it."

"And that's where you screw up." She smiled, but I could tell she was repulsed. "If it wasn't Felix, you still would've done this to someone else. People's emotions are just a game to, a bet. Good luck living with yourself after doing this to the greatest thing that's happened to your pathetic, miserable life."

After that, I let her close the door. There was no point in trying to defend myself after that. I walked to my car feeling even more defeated than I did when I first arrived.

Hopefully, Minho has had some more luck than me. But at the same time, I'd be a little upset if he managed to fix things with Jisung and I couldn't do the same with Felix. Selfish, I know. But it would be hard to see him happy while I suffer if we're experiencing the same thing.

I drove away debating whether or not I should just go home or see Felix at work. Ultimately I decided against it. There's nothing I can do anymore.

I lost him.

Betting On A Boy // HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now