Chapter 27

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Tae was shaking intensely. His heart beat was faster than normal and he's literally panicking.

Who wouldn't? He's in the edge of a cliff and one wrong move, he'll immediately slide down.

He hates heights, so fucking much. Its not even funny.

He tried to push the sledge backwards so that it would go away from the edge atleast.

But that just made the sledge slide down even more.

Tears we're falling from his cheeks. His hands and feet we're tied and even his mouth was covered by a handkerchief.

He even thought that he's gonna faint soon due to the speed of his heartbeat.

But he knew nothing would happen if he just cried. He started moving his face and mouth muscles and he succeeded, the handkerchief was now down his neck.

He gasped for air, and started to shout.

"HELLO?! ANYONE IN THERE?!" He cried. No one responded.

"PLEASE HELP ME! I BEG YOU PLEASE!" He cried once again but only the echoes answered him back.

He kept on shouting, and shouting. His voice is already hurting because of it.

He's losing hope, no one is answering.

The sun is already setting down, and that made him sigh, and tears fell again.

" me please..." his voice is getting weak and it even cracked. Until he had no energy anymore and just started crying.

"Why do I have to experience this? What did I do?" He said in between his cries. He suddenly saw a letter down on the floor of the sledge. It was beside his foot, but he can read it well.

If no one Comes and saves you Within 30 minutes. Then this will be the last Time you'll see the sun.

 Then this will be the last Time you'll see the sun

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After reading that, he knew he had lost hope.

But a person came by his thoughts. That person who was ordered to take care of him. That person who always keeps an eye on him. That person whom he felt safe with.

And that person who never felt before. gave him pain that he's He chuckled, "Why would he save me? He said he doesn't see me as a friend. He said we're not related. He's a Captain, I'm just his subordinate. He won't care even if I die."

He muttered to himself. But on the side, he was still hoping-hoping that he'll come and save him.

He waited, and waited, and waited, until it was already night.

No one came.

He gasped at the sudden movement of the sledge. It's starting to slide off again. But this time, it's continuous.

Tae felt so scared-so so scared. Maybe, this is his end?

He did not even get to thank his friends for cheering him up. He did not even get to say goodbye to his mother.

And lastly, he didn't even get to see Jungkook.

Tears started falling again, he's accepting it now. Its his time.

The sledge reached the end, it was just only a few slides more and he'll fall down the cliff.

Tae closed his eyes. With his heavy heart, he knew he had to accept his fate now.

After all, he lived a good life.

The sledge reached the end, and it finally slid off the edge.

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