Chapter 50

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"How much is this?" Asked Tae's mom, she was referring on the crab.

Tae was still quite distracted about the place, it was clean and tidy. There are lots of things you can buy, and of course people too.

But not as much people in the future. They bought the crab, and went to look for more food in the market.

"Would you like anything, honey?" His mom asked and Tae immediately thought of something.

He saw not much far, a stall with scallops as their product. Oh damn, he love scallops.

"Can I buy some scallops?"

His mom nodded and Tae happily went to the stall, leaving his mom waiting not from afar.

He took a look at scallops and inspected it to see if its fresh and fine.

Surprising, all of the scallops are looking fresh, and it looks like it just came out from the sea.

Unlike in the future, err...better not say.

But even if all looks so fresh, you need to pick the best among them.

He quickly bought a kilo of it and grabbed the plastic as soon as it was ready.

He turned to his mom and as to his surprise, she was talking to someone.

Even though that person is back facing him, Tae's heart immediately jumped as soon as he realized who it was.

Smiling, he went towards them and his mother immediately noticed. "Oh! I forgot to say, Taehyung is with me."

Both met gazes and they couldn't control their smiles.

Jungkook bowed his head a little as a sign of acknowledgement. "Good morning, Mr. Kim."

Tae did the same, "Good morning too, Captain." His mother felt a bit confused when they started giggling at each other, but she did not show it.

Because maybe, she knew.

"I should get going, Mrs. Kim. Have a nice day." Jungkook once again said before leaving.

As soon as it, Tae immediately asked her. "Why is Captain here?"

They started walking to find some more food. "He said he had an inspection in the nearest camp."

"I was fixing the things we bought and I was struggling a bit with the tomatoes so he came to help me."

Tae was smiling all along while his mother was telling him what happened.

And his mother noticed to she tried to catch things.

"Captain looks quite glowing these days, maybe he's inlove."

Tae's smile became wider but he noticed it so he immediately sucked the insides of his mouth to control his smile.

His mother looked away then lowkey smiled and nodded.

You know, a mother's instinct?

It was all a blur, Tae and his mother were still looking for some food and just a few more and they'll be over.

"Have you seen some potatoes? I need some." His mother asked, and Tae immediately looked around the place to search for some.

And he spotted one, "There!"

They went towards the stall and started picking some potatoes.

"Good morning, ma'am, sir, you're on the right
stall because we sell the best and delicious
potatoes in the town!"

He chuckled at the tagline, but the voice felt too familiar for him to ignore.

He immediately looked up, only to see Bogum on a simple shirt, with a big smile on his face while saying the tagline.

"Bogum?" He said and it caught his attention. He looked surprised. "Taehyung?"

He immediately bowed at them as soon as he saw Tae's mother.

They're one of the most known families in the town, might as well show respect, eh?

"Good morning, Mrs. Kim!" He greeted, "You look wonderful, ma'am. No wonder why your son is handsome."

Tae's mother laughed at the words. "You have humor, don't you?" She said.

He giggled, "But I'm telling the truth ma'am."

Tae's mother felt touched and she felt that he's sincere. "Thank you. And quit the formalities, you can cal me auntie since you're friends with my son." She said.

Tae heard it and he blushed a bit.

They bought the potatoes and Tae's mom paid much than the price. "Here's the change ma'am-"

"No, keep it. You're working hard, keep it up." She smiled and handed him back the change.

"Oh, just a sec. I'll just buy an apple there. Wait for me here okay?" She told Tae.

As soon as she left, they chatted. "You work here?" He asked and Bogum chuckled. "Well, yeah. I wanted to help my parents too while I'm in the camp."

Tae nodded and looked at their other products. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"You thought I'm rich?" Tae laughed.

"Well, I did somehow."

Bogum kept his smile and sighed. "Sorry to say, but I'm just an average guy. We're just poor, but I'm still thankful that we get to eat three times a day."

Tae felt a bit sad, "That's not to be sorry of. You're helping your parents while training in the camp. That must be hard. And I hope you won't be ashamed of this. It's a decent job. Keep it up."

Tae cheered him up. Bogum smiles all the time, but he never knew that his life was like this. It must be hard, but at least, he's grateful.

They left the market as soon as they completed the foods to buy.

They rode the callesa on their way home. But since his mother was curious of things, he asked Taehyung.

"Hows your heart, son?" Tae felt surprised coz of the sudden question.


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