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There is mature language/content in this chapter. Read to your own extent. Also, the picture on top is the cafeteria.

Evelyn's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of talking outside my room. A human would never be able to hear it, but obviously I'm not human. I looked towards my clock and immediately stood up from the bed, realizing what time it was. All of a sudden, someone knocked on my door. I opened the door while rubbing my eyes tiredly.

Sarah looked at me and said "Your not ready yet? Come on, breakfast is about to be over."

I sighed and said "Give me a minute."

I closed the door and changed into my uniform. I did my morning routine, brushed my straight, black hair, and put my black converse on. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

Thankfully Sarah waited for me. I did not feel like getting lost today. Sarah guided me to the cafeteria, which I must say is huge. She led me to a table and sat down.

"This is Harry, my mate and that is Jessica over there." Sarah said pointing to the other people sitting at the table.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Evelyn" I said, sitting down.

"Come on Evelyn, let's get some breakfast. I'm starving." Sarah said, rubbing her stomach.

I nodded and followed her to the food table. There was so much food. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, cereal, and hash browns filled the table. Sarah filled her plate to the brim. I took my plate and put some eggs and sausage on it.

Sarah saw this and asked frowning, "That's all your going to eat?"

I nodded and said, "I'm not that hungry."

We sat back down at the table and ate our breakfast.

"Let me see your schedule. Maybe we have classes together?"Sarah asked smiling.

I handed her my schedule and turns out we have three classes together; Gym, Biology, and English.

Breakfast ended and Sarah guided me to class, Biology. I sighed and took a seat in the back while Sarah went to her seat. There must've been assigned seats. The teacher introduced me to the class and told me where I'm sitting is my assigned seat.

The teacher began the lesson, but I couldn't focus because I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked in that direction and saw Kylie, stupid Kylie looking at me. What the fuck is she doing here??! I felt a pull towards her. What the fuck is happening to me?

'Mate!!! Mate!!!' Skylar screamed.

Hell no. There is no way in hell I would have Kylie as my mate. She was from our rival pack. I hate her so much. Her pack is the reason we have frequent rouge attacks. Her stupid father decided to lead the rouge's to us. Not to mention the fact that her pack injured several of my pack members on purpose for no reason at all. My father would literally go crazy if he found out the daughter of our rival pack is my mate.

I quickly raised my hand and asked, "Can I go to the bathroom?"

The teacher sighed and said, "Make it quick."

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