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Evelyn's mark

Evelyn's POV

"Well... I'm happy you agree. I should go see what Kylie is doing...." I mumbled, turning to leave.

"Right, Kylie. Your mate, right?" Ralph asked, still smirking.

I turned back around, "Yes, she is my mate."

Ralph nodded, slowly walking towards me. I backed up. I don't like this. I want to leave. I'm going to leave.

I rushed towards the door until Ralph suddenly threw me over his shoulder. Pain erupted inside me from his touch.

"What are you doing?! Put me down! You know fully well about my pain!" I screamed, struggling against him.

"Of course, I know about the heat process. That'll make it better." He grinned.

"Better?! Better for what?! Put me down!" I screamed as the pain increased.

Ralph threw me onto the bed, pinning me down. Tears streamed down my face as my chest tightened. Sweat formed on my body as I got extremely hot. It hurts so bad.

Before anything could happen, Kylie barged into the room. Her eyes were filled with anger. She threw Ralph onto the floor.

"Take him to the pack prison. I'll deal with him later." Kylie gritted out to a warrior.

The warrior left dragging Ralph along with him. Kylie hugged me tightly as I'm still laying on the bed.

"Are you okay, baby?" She asked, concerned.

"It hurts. It hurts so much Kylie." I whined.

"Do you trust me baby?" Kylie asked.

I nodded and Kylie picked me up bridal style. She walked out of the room and into her room. She layed me gently onto the bed.

"Mark me." I whimpered.

Mature Content. It's done at the end of the chapter .

Kylie's eyes darkened more as they were consumed by lust. She got on top of me, bringing me into a kiss. She nibbled lightly on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I granted her entrance and her tounge connected with mine. I wrapped my arms around her neck, deepening the kiss.

Kylie broke the kiss. "Are you sure about this?"

I nodded, "I'm sure."

Kylie kissed my neck, lightly. She nibbled and sucked causing me to moan. Kylie found the spot where she would mark me. I felt her canine's gazing my skin. Suddenly, her canine's pierced through my neck. I screamed loudly as pain consumed me. Soon, the pain was replaced with pleasure. Kylie pulled out, licking the wound.

"Mark me." Kylie smiled.

I didn't expect that she would want me to mark her. Usually the dominant one marks the submissive one and that's all you would need. But, she wanted me to mark her?

"I want you to mark me." Kylie mumbled.

She layed on the bed and I straddled her waist. I softly kissed, sucked and nibbled on her neck making her squirm slightly. Her eyes were closed. I continued my assault on her neck until I found her sweet spot.

My canine's gazed her neck softly. I pierced my canine's through her neck, making her scream. Suddenly, she moaned loudly and I pulled out of her neck. My tounge glided across her wound, healing it.

I layed my head in the crook of her neck. Suddenly, she flipped us over so she was on top.

"That was so good, baby." Kylie mumbled, tiredly.

She slowly removed my shirt, making me shiver slightly. She unclasped my bra, biting her lip.

She started her attack on my breasts. I moaned softly as she sucked on my nipple while massaging the other.

"Kylie..." I moaned out.

She looked at me, her eyes filled with lust. I pulled her up, kissing her passionately. My hands ruffled her hair as I kissed her deeply.

"I want you." I panted.

"Where do you want me, baby?" Kylie asked, biting her lip.

Shit, she's hot. I took her hand and dragged it down my body to the hem of my pants.

Kylie immediately removed my pants along with my panties. She kissed down my stomach, until she got to my sex.

Suddenly, she dived into my sex. I moaned loudly, my hands on the back of her head. She sucked on my lips, parting them. Her tounge thrusted into my hole as she rubbed my clit.

"Fuck, Kylie!" I moaned out.

Kylie groaned sending vibrations through my body. Her fingers replaced her tounge as she began sucking on my clit. My thighs began closing from the amount of pleasure. Kylie pushed them back open, continuing her assault. A sudden feeling erupted in my stomach as I moaned loudly.

"Shit, Kylie! I'm going to cum!" I screamed.

"Cum for me baby." She commanded.

The pleasure became too much, "I can't, Kylie. It's too much." I whimpered.

"Trust me, baby. Let go." Kylie mumbled, kissing me softly as she continued fingering me.

I finally let go, pleasure erupting inside me. I moaned Kylie's name loudly as I came.

"Good girl." Kylie smiled, kissing me.

Chapter 18 is finished!! What do you think? Please comment any suggestions and editing mistakes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Happy New Year's! Have a great day :)

Kylie and Evelyn marked each other. What will happen next?

Winter break is ending and school is starting up again, sadly.

Word Count (870)

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